
@sheetheadjohnson: It sounds like it's reverting to a low-res cached version of the file. Try setting your background again.

@nka: If I remember right, it's SHIFT on Windows.

@lantic: It works on the actual release, or just the GM?

@Vexorg: I seem to remember the battery being a huge issue with OS 3 when it came out, but that was fixed fairly quickly.

@Trolly: Since Apple has deemed your iPod Touch obsolete, might as well jailbreak now so that you can make use of all the features that Apple locks down.

@sandeepdeepak: I'm a big fan of "lest", myself. Means pretty much the same thing, only it's a real word.

Those are two fugly pieces of electronics.

"Burn is a great supplement for less esoteric burning duties."

@freakshowtime: I agree, the situation is still not ideal, but it's not a reflection on Android's multitasking capabilities, which was what I take issue with. The problem isn't so much with the OS as with developers not creating programs that properly comply with the API. I'm sure there is software for WebOS that is

@alcalde: Why is that directed at me? I was just quoting the article to point out the stupidity of the argument.

@freakshowtime: "Besides, if task killers were unnecessary, Google wouldn’t have implemented a task killer in Android 2.2."

@freakshowtime: Applications on Android don't work the same they do on a PC. Just because an app is shown to be running doesn't mean that it's doing anything but waiting to be used.

"Android is the only other one that even can run apps in the background but there is a reason that a task killer is the first thing every Android phone needs."

There is absolutely nothing douchier than someone telling me what *I* should do because *they* enjoy it.

@twinturbo2: The genre just went from button mashing to actually playing instruments(whether or not they're accurate representations of "real" keyboards or guitars is irrelevant). That, to me, is a total game changer.

@corkyt741: Surely that's an over-generalization.

I never would have thought that a Twinkie was not vegetarian friendly.

@suburbancowboy: Bing was designed from the onset to have photographic backgrounds. Google hasn't bothered to properly redesign their page, instead opting to just make the text white with a drop shadow. It's lazy and it looks like ass. Google's images are also twice the filesize as their Bing equivalent - 130k is a

@liddil101: Right, because there is *no fragmentation whatsoever in the linux commuity*. Get the fuck out of here, troll.