
If anyone out there has a jailbroken iPhone and absolutely hates the notification system, try GRiP(Growl for iPhone.

@indiecraig: It's disruptive. It makes you stop what you're doing, forces you to read the message, and take an action. It's reminiscent of an error message, and that's just bad user experience design. In my opinion, it's much better to have unobtrusive notifications that I'm alerted to, and which I can view at my

@Deaf Mute: My freaking MOM is 62 years old, technology illiterate, and even she figured out how to watch Netflix on her Wii.

@MakotoKamui: Actually, it appears that you are correct - I had read an old anandtech article that said the 3Gs used the 520 chip, but that was later shown to be incorrect.

@MakotoKamui: It's not the same processor. The iPhone 3Gs uses the PowerVR SGX 520, whereas the A4 chip uses the PowerVR SGX 535, which can process 4 times as polygons per second and twice as many pixels per second as the 520. The memory bus is also greatly improved in the A4 to support the increased bandwidth of the

@MakotoKamui: It's the same processor that's in the iPad, but it will be pushing less pixels, so graphics performance should be better on the iPhone than the iPad.

@Xander: Good luck with that. Unless they decide to put forth the effort to make a jailbreak version of it, you'll never see it.

aesamattki on reddit put together a list of some minor changes in Froyo that aren't getting a lot of attention:

Cyanogenmod 5.0.6 on the Nexus one let's you wake up and unlock the phone from the trackball. Goodbye, swiping!

@StewartGesh: Then you can just click the link, genius.

Turned up all of four serial numbers. Don't think I'll be buying this anytime soon...

@MeruNT: The OS X version is quite different from the Windows version, to the point that it feels like a different program altogether.

@Stephen.Lecheler: Bing image search has been way better than google image search from day one. Almost a year, and I don't see Google making many improvements on their end.

@jrocknyc: I agree with you. The linux community tends to be on both sides of the fence simultaneously - They want to champion their OS of choice as the ideal choice for everyone, while being generally elitist whenever someone who is not a computer scientist needs a hand getting things running properly.

@tmlfan81: That's the case in general. They simply haven't patched the app to deal with the android's interface. It's called pre-alpha for a reason.

@bill cant fart kicks heinie: I'd imagine the plan is to launch simultaneously. If Adobe were to launch just for the Palm Pre(which, let's face it, no one uses), no one would really care.