
@darragh3277: Android phones do *not* have a larger mobile internet usage share than iPhones, They have a larger relative share of AdMob ad traffic. You cannot extrapolate anything from that information other than the fact that AdMob has a greater reach in Android-based advertising than they do over iPhone

@Farproc: What kind of experience do you have with Flash Player 10.1 for smartphones?

@madog: I wrote an article years ago about this, everything should still be pretty relevant though.

@meow-mixer: Love Bethesda games, but I've never been able to finish any of the Elder Scrolls games due to them being buggy to the point of being broken.

@humbertfleitas: It should turn into a rude gesture of some sort whenever it hovers over some shovelware.

@PadreScout: It's not a caesar cipher in the traditional sense, although it is similar. A caesar cipher is a substitution cipher mapped to the order of the alphabet - so ABC might be shifted to DEF.

@MattyMattMatt: I hand code websites for a living, too. I agree that learning the foundations of web design is the right way to go, especially if you're doing it professionally. It would make for a much nicer web if every one knew how to code standards-compliant websites. But, the fact of the matter is that many

@jeremy_mccurdy: I love Coda. It's a bit pricy at $99, bit it's worth every penny.

@Cjay79: It's already nearly 40% of the way to unlocking Monkey Island, and there are still 7 days left.

@MattyMattMatt: Not everybody is(or wants to be) a web designer/developer. Some people just want to put together a family photo album or a portfolio.

@ironyforme: Not to mention this is quality software, and 25% of the proceeds goes to charity.

It failed on the first ingredient I searched for: tempeh, a pretty common meat substitute.

@Kakkoii: I agree, 3.7 nightlies are pretty awesome. Unfortunately, they're not going to release 3.7 at all. Some features might slip into minor updates of 3.6, but most of the major changes won't be seen until next year.

@Bonsai_halcyon: Get the Nightly Tester Tools add-on. It'll let you install "outdated" plug-ins. Obviously, it comes with a risk, but I've only had one plug-in not work using this.

@mawcs: They said recently that it might be a feature included in a minor update between now and 4.0...so sometime this year.

@djsmiley2k: While I doubt Twitter would do anything so stupid as recklessly destroy the rel="me" tag, it doesn't negate your point, which is that microformats are pretty fragile at best.

@DisposableInterloper: Most web developers would rather shoot themselves than use Flash over AJAX. It's the web designers who think it's cool to use Flash for interface elements that you should be concerned about.

I don't understand the decision to drop Firefox 3.7. Minefield is the best version of Firefox since 3.0, and Firefox 3.6 doesn't really bring a lot to the table.

@asten77: As a PC user, I think it's lame that Apple insists on 100% control over their hardware and software, too. But, as a Mac user, I understand their reasoning and I've seen the benefit of such an approach. Love it or hate it, it'd be next to impossible to maintain the Apple "feel" without restricting access to