
@beala: You're not adding nearly as much to the conversation as you think you are by mentioning problems you've had with an extension on a previous versions of Firefox. If you haven't tried or aren't willing to try the new Firefox beta, then you have nothing to bring to the table. Like the Mac fan who feels the need

@Radio Silence: I've never once had a toolbar appear out of nowhere in Firefox. IE, on the other hand....

@beala: Chrome proselytizers are as bad as Mac fan boys. Why do you feel the need to post your opinion of Chrome when the article is about a new beta of Firefox? Take it somewhere else! No one gives a damn what your browser preference is, and we've all tried Chrome already. #firefox36

@Radio Silence: So what if they want to install a toolbar? Just opt out. Once Chrome's plug-in support kicks in, you can expect the same crap. #firefox36

@scokar: It's no secret that Apple is actively trying to lock down the iPhone. They have said so themselves, and have taken legal action to attempt to stop the practice. It stands to reason that in light of their failure, they would attempt to tighten up their security measures, which is certainly what is implied by

@Mr.Gawn: I just call it all malware, really. It does get a bit confusing. #jailbreak

@Mr.Gawn: if you're going to call yourself a hacker, then you can't call this a virus. Worms are not viruses!!

@UnMicD: "The login screen is part of the OS and should look like the OS."

@ssj4Gogeta: gfxmenu is actually for grub1. It can be a real pain in the ass to get it working, though. GRUB2 should make it easier, but it'll take some time for tools to come out for it. #ubuntu

@endolith: Seriously...At least SUSE comes with some utilities to make the process a bit easier. #ubuntu

@infmom: I was going to say the same thing. If you coat them in a thin layer of wood glue first, the patch will hold up as well as sturdy wood. #repair

@orbitbreak: I still fail to see how your method is faster, easier, or less cluttered than using a dock.

@orbitbreak: What do you mean, "buttons hanging out everywhere"?