
@penguiniator: It's actually better than most, in my opinion.

I really like QTweeter and SBSettings. Winterboard seemed like too much of a resource hog for my tastes. GriP is an up-and-coming app that I think deserves attention. It's basically Growl for the iPhone/iPod. It's way better than Apple's PN, as it just pops up a little translucent rectangle with information. Depending

@hadees: except for the fact that it sucks on 3.0

If I can use this to run 3Ds Max in linux, then I might just say goodbye to windows forever.

@mikereynaga: I read on another forum that the checksums are the same. If true, then today's release is the exact same as the gold master 7A341 version.

@rockhopper: That does not do the same thing as what this program is trying to accomplish. The touch command simply updates the date modified to the current time, while this program allows the date of creation and and the date of modification to be changed to any time and date.

@Ben!: Yeah, it's not a problem. Just make sure your WBFS partition is the first partition on the drive!

@ThayerDia: You do not need a modchip, and you do not need the original disk. Please don't spread misinformation.

@LoringDamputer: I also prefer usbloader gx, after trying a few others. The team developing it reminds me very much of the early XBMC developers, meaning they're very active with the project and are quick to address issues and feature requests.

@thrashnbash1: Everyone seems to think that the CIOS36 Rev9 works better right now. I don't know if that has any thing to do with the issue that you're having, though. Also, it seems that every USBLoader has it's own issues. I recommend checking out this list of USB Loaders for some of the ins and outs of each.

@jonny6pak: I have zero patience, so I went ahead and formatted by backup drive. I got everything working, thanks to the tutorial and some tips in here and I have to say it works great. Thanks anyway!

@shibathedog: It just needs a port of XBMC and I can toss my Xbox.

@arienh4: It has legitimate uses, as well. I don't know if this is the case with the Wii, but I know on my Xbox games would load much quicker from the hard disk than they would from DVD. Also, it saves the effort of changing out disks, as well as eliminating the risk of scratching a disk.

This is what I've been waiting for since I bought my Wii. Why they didn't include a HD to begin with is beyond me. This looks awesome, and I can't wait to try it out. Anyone have a spare USB 2.0 hard drive I can have?

If there was ever a program that didn't demand flashy eye candy, it would be a palette generator. It's difficult to pick out a color scheme when there are conflicting colors in the background. kuler is far more intuitive and allows you to focus on your palette without distraction.

@Will Price: Are you running a beta? Firefox 3.0 has never once crashed on me.

I have been looking for something like this for years! I never have a fully stocked kitchen, but I'm always hungry and love to cook.

The demo doesn't seem to be working too well for me, but I love ubiquity and can't wait for some tighter integration.

vote: photoshop.

i think i'll be doing this from now on...just got finished sending my girlfriend a sweet text, only to get a reply that i'd spelled her name wrong.