
This is more of an esoteric kind of project, but I botched a friend's Xbox while trying to put XBMC on it, and I stumbled across this EEPROM reader in an altoid tin

@johnsmith1234: I absolutely love Gentoo. That said, I really hope you're being sarcastic.

@Phoshi: Maybe someone should start working on an article for Phoshi here... Top 5 Tools for the Newly Blinded.

Very cool. I didn't realize that OS X could utilize 3rd party color pickers on a system-wide basis. Very handy for us designers! Now I just have to get a Mac..

@cisengineer: I think someone just did! Has Season 3 come out yet. The site is taking forever to load on my end.

Since there are cURL ports for Windows, would it be possible to use rainmeter to accomplish something similar? Maybe have a script that writes out the information to various text files, and have rainmeter display those?

@askj113: Verizon. I live out in the woods with no cable, no DSL, and too many trees for satellite, so my only hi-speed option is EvDO

@McWhammer: What about it doesn't make sense? Lots of applications are Windows only, especially freeware apps. I don't see too many Mac developers coding for Windows, so you shouldn't expect the converse to be different.

I actually discovered this program a couple of weeks ago. I like it because I have a 5GB a month bandwidth cap, so not having to re-download a movie is very helpful.

Why would this even be recommended if it's a non-free solution to a problem with tons of free solutions already out there?

@Pablo Albornoz: Thanks. I've wanted something like that for the longest time, but I never bothered to look.

Is this going to conflict with my existing G: drive?

@davebarboza: Then he shouldn't complain about getting speeding tickets. Break the law all you want, but don't act like you're being singled out when you're a dumbass about it and get caught.

@kd420: I believe KDE 4.2 offers something similar.

@jeremiahbritt01: Torrent sites will often pull the .nfo out for the file description.

@Trent Russell: Which both take roughly 3x the resources of any other music player out there.

@resilient: I'm also in the minority of people that really like Vista. I honestly don't see what people hate so much about it. I think it stems from people upgrading from XP with computers that weren't really "Vista Ready". Still, Windows 7 seems much faster than Vista, UI improvements aside.

@mynamesafad: My hard drives also score 2.0, and are now the "bottle-neck" in my performance rating, whereas before my graphics card was. Oddly enough, my graphics card now has a better score than it did it Vista - 2.8 vs 3.3