
@Cam Jamieson: Yes, they will offer upgrade pricing, like they always have.

@Litespeed: I like the Win-Arrow key fuctionality. Anyone know how I could implement something similar in AutoHotkey? I'm a total noob.

Do you get bonus good memories for knocking out four rows of bad memories in one move?

@hiddentrak: i'm a little late on this, but for the record, it is possible, but in my opinion it is risky. you may lose the ability to boot natively into your windows partition. if not, you will have to reactivate your copy of windows every time, as the solution involves modifying your hardware setup to the extent

@jupiterthunder: Your own English is horrible. Perhaps you should practice what you preach?

Next thing you know, this guy is going to be ripping Mario a new one for perpetuating Italian stereotypes

@lifeh4xor: I hate internet explorer so much the first thing I do when I install windows is ftp to [mozilla.org] through the command line. I haven't purposefully ran IE on my PC in over a year.

XBMC made me fall in love with open source software. I bought an XBOX just to play around with some of the homebrew software out there, and then I stumbled on this application. Ever since, I have been something of an XBMC evangelist. I don't have a single friend with an XBOX who doesn't use it as the center piece of

i wonder how much someone got paid for this redesign that couldn't have taken more than 5 minutes...

I keep wanting to hit ALT to strafe! Still, this is pretty freaking awesome. I hope that we can expect more great 3D games using Flash 10

@ChrowX: More people than livestock? 23 billion chickens, 2 billion pigs, and 1 billion cows(a lot for such a large animal) would disagree with you.

Mact: I don't want to say that you're cherry picking from the article intentionally. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just say that you're reading from what you want.

@Vecha: To be completely honest, and completely fair to Werrick, I posted that in reply to the wrong post. Not trying to be a jackass.

@karaokequeen3: Why is it a problem? How does it affect you in any way whatsoever?

@polarity: People bring this article up all the time, which claims that this information comes from Oxford university, and I cannot find the original study for the life of me. Not saying it doesn't exist, but the title is very misleading. Anyway, the article makes a well known claim that a B12 deficiency can cause

@thegetupkid: Gardenburger ribs are indistinguishable from McRibs you get from McDonalds. Anyone who could say they can tell a difference is a dirty liar!