Low Sparrow

Wow, what an episode. Jude Law is tremendous in this role. Speech to the cardinals was amazing. His words and actions are not all consistent from show to show, but I love the angle that he may really be a saint.
This show is messing with my very lapsed Catholic memories!

Looks like I may be in the minority, but I thought Chloe there with her baby was great. She helped Daniel a hell of a lot, and he loves her, and now he can allow himself to dream, to hope for something beautiful to come in his life. Even if it doesn't work out that way, him being able to dream it had tears freely

"B+" is a funny way to spell "A". (I'm copying a commenter from previous reviews, but it needs to be said.)

Started to read your comment, and saw you were aiming to be a spoiler. I don't want to know any insights based on who you have seen is cast for the next 3 episodes. I don't go looking for info on future episodes. I'm guessing many other readers here wouldn't want such a spoiler either. And yes, I'm writing this 2

Thanks for the "link". Too funny!

I agree, great comment. The reviewer seems to have his own views of history that don't agree with the presentation of history in the movie. I thought the portrayal of King and the black activists were interesting drama, and certainly didn't think it did anyone a disservice. So instead of discussing the great acting

I enjoyed the binge watch over 3 days. I liked a lot of things about the show, Gillian Jacobs is of course tremendous, along with Bertie. If they put out Season 2, i'm sure I'll watch, but i won't mind a bit if there is no Season 2.

I agree! Shelby wrote a great opening paragraph there, and I can totally relate to a new love interest be an Object. Guess I better google “anxious-avoidant style relationships”.