Low Shelf Esteem

Huh. I was raised bilingual (Italian and English), and had no developmental delays. Hell, I was 17 when I went to University, and I now speak 4 languages.

I disagree.

Yup. I got married at the stupid age of 21 and that ring I just *had to have* is in a lock box. Marriage is great. I don't need a ring to make it so.

Or... They’re more likely to use that money toward down-payment on a house because they aren’t young and stupid enough to throw money away.

Oh man, in my mind EVERY morning radio host does this! Thank you for confirming!

Not everything... I had a ring-tail possum living in an outdoor lounge for a while. It was a cute little thing that ate kitchen scrapps, it left after my cat decided it must have also have been a cat and tried to snuggle.

THANK YOU! Zubat as the worst is just someone hating the caves.

Would I be in trouble if I read the list in the beat of the pokémon rap?

Lapras in the top 10 right where he should be. Except we all know Lapras is #1

“I heard joke once: Pokemon goes to the doctor. Says he’s got something stuck in his throat. Life seems harsh, and cruel. Says he feels sick and alone in the threatening world. Doctor says: “Treatment is simple. The great Pokemon - Koffing - is in town. Go see him. That should help.” Pokemon bursts into tears. “But

Double fixed.


Hi Low Shelf Esteem,

Have you tried Stitch Fix? I tried them a few times, but I am around a size 14, and that this their largest size, so it was kind of hit-and-miss for me. You might have better luck with them at a size 10. They have a similar purchasing model to Dia&Co, which I am going to try now.

I feel your pain! I’m currently a curvy 12 and heading towards a 10 (slowly, but consistently), and yeah, nothing fits right. I’ve given up shopping for now. I’ve heard good things about companies like these. I hope they add more middle sizes soon.

You see it in rape allegations as well. “He never tried to rape me, so you’re obviously lying!” Why rapists and harassers can’t pick and choose their targets seems beyond many people.

What a strong woman.

Jezebel, I officially apply for the position of Gilmore Girls blogger. I will OWN THAT SHIT and that way Kara doesn’t have to cover it.