
It ain’t a mug shot. I’d be feeling pretty good, too if I just got drafted by the Cowboys.

When Ronda Rousey was undefeated, why weren’t people asking how she would do against Conor McGregor? This is all such bullshit. It’s unfair to the people who are asked how Serena would perform against male players, and it must be infuriating to Serena. Argue any other sport about the GOAT, but the greatest of all

Look at how this question was setup:

Yeah, I have no doubt that at at certain age kids have a pretty good idea if they are trans or not. But I’ve seen stories about kids who are 3-6 years old being identified as trans. Maybe they are. But I have an almost 3 year old who sometimes identifies as Cookie Monster or dinosaurs. I’m pretty sure that’s just a

Why are non-adults being allowed to change their sex when they haven’t even fully matured?

The only difference is that donald sterling was illegally recorded in a private conversation.

Guy’s an ass hat and needs to STFU and play ball

Yeah, he’d be mocked, because he called someone racist who didn’t do anything racist. That’s worthy of mockery.

You are so brave.

Pouring one out for your brave sacrifice.

I too will not be traveling with the NFL to Israel.

Darren Rovell is Kellyanne Conway without the charisma or good looks