Billy Porter for SNL Host. You owe us, SNL, for letting Trump host. You owe us BIg Time.
Billy Porter for SNL Host. You owe us, SNL, for letting Trump host. You owe us BIg Time.
I was holding off watching recent SNLs unless someone solid like Will Ferrell was hosting, but now, I’ve gone off it completely. The writers are like a pack of recently-neutered dogs still trying to hump; they have *some* idea of what they’re suppose to be doing, but their final efforts leave witnesses confused and a…
To quote Max Bialystock, “Where did I go right?”
I think Jonah Hill’s an asshole, and if I never saw him in anything ever again, I wouldn’t feel any appreciable loss. On the other hand, I know that if the same joke had been told to someone I really like, like Melissa McCarthy or Leslie Jones, I’d be outraged.
Xenu gonna be shitting himself, losing all that sweet Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise money.
So you wrote this whole article, whose title leads us to speculate on why Julia is reacting in such a bitchy fashion to Kate’s win, in order to stoke up some resentment towards her among your readers, and then later on you basically finish up with, “She was probably just disappointed that her costar didn’t win. Oh,…
Yet another example of someone who thought anyone can do comedy.
Speaking as the partner and/or friend to many on the Manchester Comedy Circuit, you get those skills from practice, sheer practice. Also, you get to use the same comebacks on different hecklers.
My wife and I have a special code in case one of us passes on and tries to contact the survivor via a medium:
What kind of prick eats KFC with a knife and fork? Trump, I already hate you for many other reasons, you don’t have to gild the fucking lily...
I went to view the trailer, hit the Google Translate, and the title of it came out as “Thin Godzilla” Notice
Because the haters would have said it was a poor sequel in comparison with the original. Hell, they said the same thing about the second film, and that was made only five years after the first and with the same cast, director and writer. Because haters gotta hate.
You know, I’d still eat it.
The Hall Monitor Syndrome. They forget that they are not, in fact, the final say in what goes on there.
Charming. I think I'd rather have a discussion on prostate checks with Tommy Wiseau.
Yeah, why not? It definitely makes you look twice to see if they’re barely covered or not. It’s not as if the photographer didn't realise the flesh coloured bathing suits would make it look like that.
This proves it: democracy would be great if people weren't involved.
Don’t care if it’s sterile or not. Is it safe to pee in the kitchen sink because you might not make it upstairs to the toilet?