
What are you talking about? That’s a fantastic color.

Username doesn’t check out.

Did I just read that David Tracy is daily driving a mechanically sound vehicle?

Wow, Justin it sounds like you have some real hate issues with Han Solo or are just totally clueless about aviation. As a pilot let me be the first to tell you that if in 50 years of flying these are his only mishaps he’s a great pilot. YOU must have zero idea how much work is involved in piloting an aircraft. And how

Misheard ATC calls are really common, we’ve all been corrected in read backs, and it’s exactly why we read back. Listening to the ATC audio, it sounds pretty clear, but again that’s on the recording, he was in a Husky, likely had a window open which makes hearing even more difficult.  Thousands of these incursion

Look. I like Jalopnik, and most of the authors. But none of you are pilots, as far as I can tell, and it really shows.

You know how many times I’ve seen people cross the active when they’re not supposed to, especially at municipal airports? How many times I’ve misheard ATC and been corrected by my co-pilot, or vice

Incorrect. She did not make any of the adult Onlyfans videos while on the job or on the dealership’s property. You’re misstating what the Buzzfeed article said:
“ Vaughn acknowledged to her managers that she shared some photos in her uniform and from the dealership’s bathroom on her OnlyFans account — but she told the

the Crackiest of Crack Pipes. I have spent far more time fixing these turds than driving them. Plus, if you want America’s historical least reliable light tactical vehicle, you can get them on government auction websites for about $3500.

So none of their research projects include seeing what happens when a human poops off the bow of an upright ship and the turd drops from 50+ feet into the water?

Weird indeed.

Awesome! Nice to find some age-appropriate content for my 5yo. I started him on late Amigos-era Top Gear, and he just found it too immature.

I’ve gotten this question so many times, and never properly answered it. I still won’t, because the reason is complex, and would take a book to really explain. But here’s a small portion:

The most important thing to me in this life is meeting and connecting with people from different backgrounds and with different

I built a small diorama out of a shadow box from Ikea. I’d get a better picture but it’s locked up in my office right now. Printed the base from a road image found online, and used some model railroad shrubberies glued to the base. Cars are attached with piano wire around the axles through the back cover.

Great to see the hobby hit Jalop Prime. Now I have an excuse to show off my work!

I am amazed at the detail of these. It took me a about a second to realize that this was a model and ten minutes to marvel at the detail work, The work on these are fantastic and show a lot of talent. The grass, trees and bushes almost look more real than the overgrowth in my backyard,

Check out this beautiful gullwing creation:

I’ve enjoyed your work. Hopefully we’ll see more in the future.

I explored all manner of useless leads to try and get the article, until I finally reached out to an old friend (and my 9th grade prom date), Marian, who now has some important job in NC State's library system. 30 minutes later I had an email with a scan of the article, thanks to the secret global cabal of librarians.