
That headstone is a crime against typography.  A dumb stunt piece further drug down by some horrible font choices.

Ohhhh OUR TURN. How about a monument to all those put to death as innocents by the state? I’m sure it’s not hard to get a list. Let’s make it twice as big, as a monument to all the murders of innocents committed by the people of the state.

“There has been no third party interference in this relationship of any kind. That includes, but is not limited to...actual humans, DMs, AI bots or succubus demons,” Fox wrote.

I was talking to someone who identified as gray ace, but they were basically like “I only feel sexual attraction in specific circumstances. For instance, I’m only sexually attracted blonds who are over 6 foot with minimal body hair and a muscular build.” and I was like... I don’t know that “having a type” makes you a

That’s why men are so apathetic. They built this world for themselves and no one else...a man will never lose the right to vote or own property or have control over his own body a few years later.

Thank you for writing this article Rich. It’s really nice to see people care about asexuality issues and speak to actual asexual people about it. And thank you to the few people in the comments trying to do the same.

My dad complained to me once that my brother wasn’t very motivated or ambitious unlike me. I had to carefully explain that because my dad favored my brother, sent him to private schools, gave him money to travel, paid for tutors, and put him in a room with wealthy elite people so he could marry one, which he did, that

Just asking questions, right?

Yup, my dad told me that. He said, “Valve, you want to remember to always be on the winning side. That’s what moral courage is all about.

As you stated, it feels as if some asexuals were under the impression that non-asexuals are just horny people having sex 24/7, and therefore believe their lack of wanting to bang everything all the time means that puts them outside the norm, when that is the norm.

Everything about Tucker Carlson is annoying, but I have to say I’m pleased that it looks like Dominion is just NOT fucking around. They don’t look to be sniffing for a settlement or trying not step on anyone’s toes...from my vantage, they are absolutely coming for everything Fox has got and it’s just a joy to see

The way the tiniest movement on this woman’s face can communicate MULTITUDES of emotions blows me away every time. She doesn’t even have to SPEAK to break my heart or crack me up or stop me in my tracks. She’s such a gifted artist.

“[S]ex is “a thing I decide to do among a list of other things I could be doing with my time, instead of like, a drive.””

Agreed. The definition here doesn’t match with the dictionary definition at all.

It looks like she got that buccal fat removal thing too!

Am I the only one who thought that was Betty White risen from the grave with blonde pigtails? Truly, without the headline, I would NEVER have identified that woman as Roseanne Barr.

It’s giving major Harry and Meghan vibes - like, “all anyone wants to talk about is my weight and body” as she puts out endless PR about her weight and body. 

The joke was tired after the first movie anyways. It actually would have been funnier if by the third movie she was skinny and still went by Fat Amy. 

To be followed up by the article “Why Do I Keep Dating Men Who Don’t Take Anything Seriously, Including Me?”

Haven’t seen this yet, but it sounds like it’s taking a huge page out of Peter Weir’s Picnic at Hanging Rock (a fine idea). Whether that’s a horror film or not is still debated to this day, but it was surely one of the first to turn on the nightmare of perception and the inability to trust what you thought you knew,