
Not sure I’m feeling the Scarlett snark. I know the website is only *supposedly* feminist but why the fuck are you undermining a woman standing up for allegedly getting screwed after signing a contract that said something else was going to happen?  

Why the derisive comments on Scarlett? She took on a huge corporation who slighted her from the money she was owed. Why aren’t we celebrating this instead of making snide comments?

Hope Ratajkowsi got/gets whatever she needs to deal with the assault though I can’t say I’m (or anyone can be) surprised that the creepy guy who wrote the song promoting date rape/sexual assault and then an entire album desperately trying to get the attention of his ex-wife he cheated on, and who wanted him out of

Sorry, in clarification, the pretermitted heir is someone who is left out. Leaving a small amount to someone who would normally be entitlled to something is done to prevent someone from being a pretermitted heir. 

Maybe there are “pretermitted heirs”, the legal term for someone who is left $10 (or here maybe 10 pounds) as a way of cutting them off from from anything big, but specifically leaving them something small in order to stop any claim that they may bring by saying that he “forgot” to leave them something. Maybe $5

If you build the shed like I do, then actually with alarming frequency.

How often do the dishes need to be done versus how often does a garden shed need to be built?

Question: This post seems to have hit a nerve (in me, in many of you) but I sense it’s mainly for us benighted souls with children under 10. I wonder if things are just better/happier/finer with older kids? I wonder if there’s an “IT GETS BETTER” aspect that is worth a little conversation about? Because the people I

So many thoughts on this one and no shot in hell at stringing them together in a coherent fashion.

My partner and I didn’t break up during the pandemic but we did both gain weight, drastically reduce our sex life, and now have to make conscious “I’m going to leave the apartment for the afternoon and work outside via Xfinity just so you can have the place to yourself.” More than one of our friend couples got

I mean, anecdotally-speaking, can tell you this is what happened to me. I was slowly growing more resentful that I was working 70+ hour weeks and somehow all of the domestic work was falling to me (even though he’s worked from home for 5 years before COVID).

I feel this so much. I envision my marriage as the two of us starting out on a boat together ready to sacrifice for each other and go on this wonderful journey. But after some floundering, he eventually says he doesn’t know how to row, and he didn’t pack the oars. So I got out and swam, pushing the boat for both of

I’ll. Never. Get. Married. Again.

I think the moral of the story here is that people take social media breaks for all kinds of reasons - things are going good, things are going bad, just watched The Social Dilemma, my phone alerted me that my screentime was up by 4 hours this week, etc.

I imagine Britney’s posts were always heavily monitored, and that she was required to post a certain amount to stay relevant, so I can see why she’d like to just go out and live a little. I personally do not have an instagram, and it is because it is too much work and I can not be bothered.

Me, too!

Man, I think we could all use a long digital detox (that sounds weirdly sexual but I’m gonna leave it). What are we doing to ourselves? How the hell are all these kids growing up addicted to being “connected” 24/7 without actually knowing how to socialize IRL? Is this is the downfall of humanity? Or have I reached

The errors in this article are so galling and obvious. I am seriously only still coming here for the commentors now.

you both thought mentioning the fall holiday is offside for an article about the fall? why?

I am 100% a white suburban housewife who loves fall and sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. IDK how this article got into Thanksgiving? Which, while technically in the fall is just a dress rehearsal for Christmas. The secret is, I live in Georgia. In the fall, it is the end of 4+ months of temperatures over 90 and all