
I suffered a catastrophic illness in 1999. My credit still sucks. I earn a good income and paid off the debt, but can’t get a credit card and my house is in mother’s name even though I pay the mortgage, because she can get a decent mortgage rate.

Because she actually does have a goal, which is to ensure that only rich people have access to education.

They support it because the Prosperity Gospel/Just World Fallacy is really strong in American Christianity and the American right wing. If you’re poor or sick, it’s because of some failing on your part, and only you should be responsible for the consequences. They don’t want anyone to get anything they don’t

It is well known in America to not call an ambulance unless death is likely and imminent.

When my daughter was born she had to spend just over a week and a half in the NICU (intensive care for babies for those unfamiliar). During her time in there she was one of their easier patients. There were other babies in there that were going to be in that ward for weeks or months.

Some are good ideas, but not really something that requires the Presidency to be put into effect.

That’s 100% how I felt. There is no family warmth coming from the Trumps at all (ever), and that coldness is exactly what her decorating style exudes. It’s a sterile display of icy solitude and aggressive perfection - the exact opposite of what the holidays should be about.

She’s trying to Be Best, okay. lol

The problem is also that you really don’t know how you’re going to react when it happens. Flight, fight, freeze? it’s not a conscious response.

The sheer number of #notallmen apologists I’ve seen on other threads, whining about “so what, now we can’t even talk to women?” or publicly patting themselves on the back for not being murderers and rapists makes me want to give up on humanity altogether. They don’t get it, they never will, and worst of all, very few

Very fucked up indeed. I think this hit me especially hard since I’m Indian also. Indian parents tend to view children as extensions of themselves and never really let go, even when said child is married and 33. Her poor parents.

He would have assaulted her no matter what she said or didn’t say.

Hello Justice. I don’t remember seeing your name around here before, but... I seriously hope you see this and think about making a correction.

A catcalling asshole is usually satisfied with a bit of intimidation. The man in this story is a rapist and a murder. Please consider updating the headline to reflect that.

So I’m currently undergoing my third round of egg freezing. I’m in my mid-thirties, absolutely for sure want biological kids (if spending 30k didn’t already make that obvious), and for me, egg freezing has been a way of giving myself time I wouldn’t otherwise have. My anti mullerian hormone level is really low for my

There was a Catholic girl’s high school behind our house, along with a convent. The art teacher would take the various classes over to our back yard to draw pictures of “Sparkle”, They never, ever got his name right. Years later, I would meet girls who went to that school between ‘66 to ‘74 and as soon as I would ask

It’s a perfect storm of circumstances and conflict averse personalities. He doesn’t pull that shit at my house, but my mother-in-law seems happy to let him commandeer her kitchen when she hosts the main family events.

Yep.  I was newly married and didn't want to be the reason there was no meat at the Thanksgiving feast.  I was just as mad at myself for doing it as I was them for asking us to handle it.

My simpleminded brother-in-law, who is Dunning Kruger made manifest in the kitchen and insists on cooking the main dish at every family gathering even when he’s not hosting, undercooked the turkey and poisoned 6 of the 8 Thanksgiving guests.

I enjoy the fact that the dog who ate the Easter ham was named Farfel. 

Twenty or so years ago, I and my four brothers are at my grandmother’s house in a wealthy suburb of Boston. Our unmedicated, bipolar mother is there, and she’s agitated and starting to drink (she went through periods of thinking God had cured her of her bipolarity and would then abandon her meds, and why not a week