
Claire, this is my absolute favorite column on Lifehacker. I look forward to your posts every week because I have what my wife calls an unhealthy obsession with my Anova.

I played Horizon first (and absolutely loved it) so I can’t speak too much into your experience but I will say that the combat in Horizon is intense and satisfying in a way that Zelda just doesn’t reach. Also, the story gets surprisingly awesome once you start digging into the mystery of why the world is the way it

Well, skiing is hard, and apparently so is making campaigns for anyone else than americans.

Heh, cool beans...Nerd

There’s a difference between “refuse to put forth any effort” and “refuse to take on an unpaid part time job and forsake all other forms of entertainment.”

But why does your enjoyment of this game hinge on the approval of others?

Bahaha the old “effort” argument for a video game.

thats really bad logic. sorry. just because you bought an asset with post-tax dollars, that does not mean you ‘paid taxes twice’ when that thing makes you more money.

A vast increase in workload without an increase in either salary or help seems like valid thing to complain about. Will these people see a bonus? Will additional staff be hired to mitigate the rush? No? Then why should anyone expect them to be happy?

White liberalism, at that.

Well, for European settlers it solved the “there are people on the land we want to live on” problem. And also for European settlers it solved the “we want big farms but don’t want to do any actual farming” problem. Ditto the “Fuck the French problem.” And the “Southern states think they can do their own thing”

It ended colonialism in India, would you have preferred a protracted, grinding low intensity war?

Does this mean Hamilton is now Tired, rather than Wired?

Is it technically wrong to start a mini-riot to stop a Republican from giving a speech that would have been boring anyhow?

Doesn’t matter if they’re not employees. They’re still laboring.

They’re putting in labor, so it’s a labor issue. Doesn’t mean you have to agree with the article or even the idea of unionizing... but don’t change the reality of labor.

Looks like other people have done the heavy lifting for me with sources. I’m not saying that the OP had racist intentions when using the “jip” terminolgy, I’m just letting them know that it will be interpreted as such when using that terminology out in the wide, wide world. It’s like if you grew up being surrounded by

The original response didn’t call the OP “racist” but politely informed her/him that the term is thought to have racist roots and is generally considered racist now.

They wind up with feeding tubes, you fuck-wit. READ the article.

As an ADULT who has experienced near-catatonic depression, FUCK YOU on behalf of all of these desperately ill children. No, it is not possible to somehow teach yourself to not react to PAIN STIMULI, you jackass. That means they don’t move at all, don’t make noise, don’t even move their heads slightly or change facial