
This guy isn’t a Nazi and he didn’t get punched?

Fuck your slippery slope fallacy. Certain elements of the left are advocating for specific types of street tactics to reduce the platform of legitimate Nazis. People who espouse Nazi values and identify themselves as such.

No one is calling for people to randomly decide

The summer flavors of Polar Seltzer are the absolute best. They sell big variety packs at BJ’s (not sure if that’s a regional thing, but an equivalent would be Costco)

the spousal abuse rates among police confirm that you’re correct

Dear Microsoft,

Please let me buy Star Wars: Battlefront II electronically, Please let me buy Star Wars: Battlefront II electronically, Please let me buy Star Wars: Battlefront II electronically, Please let me buy Star Wars: Battlefront II electronically, Please let me buy Star Wars: Battlefront II electronically,

No, fuck you. You will pay $60 for 3 maps and you will fucking thank EA for their service

I agree, man. People should be honored to shell out $60 for 3 maps, 4 character options, and the same 3 variations on the same 3 guns.

Most writing is just revisiting old archetypes and cliches in a modern context and/or blending archetypes, cliches, or genres.

With books getting smaller and less flowery, it’s showing a trend where people care more about the content and not the delivery. This is prime for being stolen by AI, who should be able to

Is it sports journalism? If so, it’s going the way of the machine sooner rather than later. AI is an easier tech to be invested in than hardware robotics.

A bot can get last night’s scores and highlights faster and more accurately than a human can, and sports journalism is probably the branch of journalism in which

Do you do technical writing or creative writing? If it’s the former or any sort of hybrid between the two, you’re likely not safe at all.

Bots can already write news stories. Soon they’ll be able to write Game of Thrones better, faster, and with less dick than George RR Martin

If my neighbors care about the length of my grass, I don’t give a fuck about them or their opinions. They’re shitty, whiny, gripes.

the reason they’re so safe is:

1. You can’t OD on the active components and
2. Your ability to stand up and move is inversely proportional to the size of your dose

Maybe a document written in 1958 isn’t medically valid anymore. That’s...that’s not something that should need to be pointed out.

Do you work physical labor?

If not, when do you plan to forgo your vacation time and work 52 weeks a year?

I wouldn’t want to travel 52 weeks a year for my job, even if I was a professional blowjob and pizza tester

From The Big Book:

“required” ? If it’s court-mandated that you participate in the program, then yes.

That’s sort of my whole issue. Court-mandated pseudo-science.

I’m converned for the millions of people it didn’t work for, who were told that’s because they must just be shitty people.

I’m not saying anyone must try anything. But if you wish to be cured of an illness you should see a doctor.

I have a bigger problem with the agency issue as well, but I think the two go hand in hand.

I think establishing dependence as a permanent thing, building a metaphorical “wagon” off of which people can fall, is dangerous. You’re setting it up so that one mistake is a full stop to all progress, which is 1) horseshit

I don’t mean to imply that AA can’t be useful in conjunction with consulting a medical professional. Talk therapy is absolutely helpful, and AA’s style may work well for some people.

In both cases you are often forced to go, told you have no agency, asked to surrender to God, and locked in a perpetual cycle. The primary function of AA appears to be support, and it certainly can do that, but it’s dogma. You are told you are powerless against your own life, which is far from supportive. You can have