
the reason they’re so safe is:

1. You can’t OD on the active components and
2. Your ability to stand up and move is inversely proportional to the size of your dose

I’m not a sports guy, but this I get.


Maybe a document written in 1958 isn’t medically valid anymore. That’s...that’s not something that should need to be pointed out.

Do you work physical labor?

If not, when do you plan to forgo your vacation time and work 52 weeks a year?

I wouldn’t want to travel 52 weeks a year for my job, even if I was a professional blowjob and pizza tester

From The Big Book:

“required” ? If it’s court-mandated that you participate in the program, then yes.

That’s sort of my whole issue. Court-mandated pseudo-science.

I’m converned for the millions of people it didn’t work for, who were told that’s because they must just be shitty people.

I’m not saying anyone must try anything. But if you wish to be cured of an illness you should see a doctor.

I have a bigger problem with the agency issue as well, but I think the two go hand in hand.

I think establishing dependence as a permanent thing, building a metaphorical “wagon” off of which people can fall, is dangerous. You’re setting it up so that one mistake is a full stop to all progress, which is 1) horseshit

I don’t mean to imply that AA can’t be useful in conjunction with consulting a medical professional. Talk therapy is absolutely helpful, and AA’s style may work well for some people.

In both cases you are often forced to go, told you have no agency, asked to surrender to God, and locked in a perpetual cycle. The primary function of AA appears to be support, and it certainly can do that, but it’s dogma. You are told you are powerless against your own life, which is far from supportive. You can have

skin tone =/= race.

Descriptions of differences in skin tone have been dated to thousands of years ago; the concept of “race” as we understand it was invented in the 1800's.

It’s a new invention based on pseudoscience

Yeah, to say the least. Not only is the solicitation of religion to vulnerable people pretty sickening, it’s just a piss-poor strategy.

If you look at those 12 steps, only a couple actually involve you taking agency over your own life; it’s almost entirely about admitting you’re powerless and asking God for help.


Sure, one step mentions “a higher power”, but 6 mention God specifically, by name or capitalized pronoun.

Dependence is the exact opposite way to kick a dependence. That...shouldn’t require explanation nor should it require experimentation, but it apparently does and did and the science is pretty conclusive that AA is

Not that I’m aware of. Alcoholics Anonymous is a 12 step programs, and like 13 of those steps involve religion

He could’t wait til Herr Moe was home before taking out Herr Larry and Herr Curly? Rounded it off after by putting it to his own temple?

I remember exactly two scenes from this movie and I watched it <6 months ago.

Barbosa’s intro and Jack’s intro, though they were fantastic. Also, unfortunately, right at the beginning, so you’d never know to turn the shitshow off until it’s too late.

Except the whole “not really assisting your rehabilitation, just soliciting you for Jesus” thing.

I think luring people to your group - often via force of law - while having no evidence it’s a more successful strategy for treating a medical issue than literally any alternative treatment is evil, to be gentle about it.

certainly not an easy task, especially when your neighbor’s possessed chinchilla is whispering incantations into your brain 24/7