
I didn’t realize a requirement for performing labor was “being solicited”


In what way are they not? How can you possibly twist this to NOT mean exactly what I said?

I guess we should just call Wal-Mart a “content host” that has no obligation to pay “content creators” like Kraft for the goods they sell and profit from...

laboring for themselves” ? so they don’t create the product YouTube sells ? YouTube makes 0$ off the arrangement and not the vast majority of the income from the product?

What the fuck does this mean ?

You are doing the work to produce the good that makes the profit for the company

That’s fucking labor dude

It’s only not labor if you semantically deny it is labor.

They are doing the work to produce the goods that make the profits for the company. That’s called being “an employee” and not being paid for it is called being “a slave”

the original SWBFII was one of the most fun games of all time. The campaign...existed, sure. But I never finished it.

It was the ability to chain a bunch of quick matches with custom modes in different maps that really made it awesome. Play as a wampa, then a heroes fight, then a space battle, then a regular battle on

Someone sure feels a lot of outrage. Does it make you feel good, snowflake?

Letting people know how their actions will be taken is common courtesy. Only an asshole doesn’t care how they come off when speaking to people.

Since when did it inspire wrath and fury to note “hey, someone might take that the wrong way”?


Couldn’t the same be said for being called out? If you’re called on and clearly didn’t mean something derogatorily, shut the fuck up about it.

Instead we get a “participation trophies” speech. Ironic.

“Darn kids these days are so offended, it offends me! Someone notice my outrage! This isn’t ironic at all!”

in dog person that translates to “everywhere”

I don’t get this impression at all. I play with the full HUD in dynamic mode except for the compass (which, come to think of it, I rarely use).

I do have the dynamic quest marker engaged, which moves to direct you along a specific path rather than a general direction. I find this is often too successful and I take long

Yes, hundreds of children are being “coached” to lay perfectly still, ignore all basic biological necessities, and wait patiently for death.

Have you ever even seen a child? This theory is so fucking preposterous it hurts

You can make a profit, no one is saying you can’t; just make it honestly, not by selling bullshit like a sleazebag

Louie CK special? Lucas Brothers? Fuck yeah

Yes, you nailed it. Perhaps “matriarchal” was a bad choice of term since males actually do not exist in the species.

also - if it’s any consolation - the lore surrounding the Asari, the affinity quests you do for Asari companions, and other info given in-game actually presents the Asari as a matriarchal species and gives a rather feminist perspective to an otherwise male-oriented trope


Stranger, if you ever see me wearing headphones in public, the message I’m trying to convey is “I hate people and don’t want to talk to anyone”

Sorry if that’s rude. I’m probably not even listening to anything.

Why is everyone so offended that the article draws attention to the comparative swiftness of response by law enforcement?

I’d go so far as to say all these overreactions are exemplifying the problem at hand: people are outraged at the mere idea that maybe verbal assault or threat of harm be treated with some

is there any data that suggests this happens? That would be a terrible risk for food establishments to be taking, just assuming people are lying about potentially fatal conditions?

I think, for the author, saying he’s allergic to flour and sugar is the easiest way to explain his food choices. If you don’t say you’re

I feel like classifying it as such would require some sort of tradition; written, oral, or otherwise.

OH MY GOD. I thought it was the fiber content in such a small package I couldn’t handle, I used to eat those things for breakfast and my stomach would sound like it was boiling by lunch.