@capratchet: You've got it the wrong way round - the pokewalker epitomises cool.
@capratchet: You've got it the wrong way round - the pokewalker epitomises cool.
@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: I can't imagine anyone with an original DS/DSi *not* skipping the XL. It seems completely aimed at new consumers. This on the other hand I totally want.
@Dark_Mirage: Please say better online experience. At present it's no better than a glorified cell phone browser experience - I have the DSi and hardly ever use any of the features that set it apart from the original DS.
@pandafresh: Much harder to do with the DSi. Oh well, guess I'll stick with the old school cycle of buying and trading. For what it's worth I loved Chinatown Wars - it's a keeper, not a trader :)