
I’m going to take a wild guess and say he’s a gun enthusiast.

There’s a difference in what you can carry in your pockets between men’s and women’s pants (and dresses/skirts).

I imagine that Trump voters think diplomacy is for sissies, and instead believe that the way to ensure world peace is to bomb and invade all the countries, while chanting “USA! USA! USA!”.

While it’s great that Trump’s gross sexual misconduct is finally being talked about, I kinda feel like it’s overshadowing his most basic quality... The man is very, very dumb.

Except that the Catholic Church is one of the (if not the) largest landowners in the world, and they have more money than God. Yet they continue to squeeze every dime they can from people who can’t really afford. Without any fundraising whatsoever, the Church could fund every single charity they run for the next 300

Yeah i get it. Google Tim Nolan and his remarks about a number of things lately including basically the same thing Trump said about abortion last night. It’s fine we disagree “but they do nice things” is just not a good enough excuse for me. I’ll donate my money to other orgs.

Uggggh @ frigging Kayleigh. She demands people ‘let her finish,’ and then she rudely interrupts EVERYONE ELSE.

A song’s not really a conversation, and it is entirely possible to listen to Nirvana without having the faintest idea what the lyrics are. I have heard the word used in conversation, but it doesn’t surprise me others haven’t, and that some people might not know it.

Oh, dude, we have so many words for that type of thing.

Ah, I should have said AR-15 modeled, like the article (too late to edit now). Point taken.

Sorry to be nit picky, but the McDonald’s coffee thing is a pet peeve of mine. The case was badly reported in the media, the issue wasn’t that there was no warning about the coffee being hot. It was a defective product lawsuit, because some idiot at McDonald’s turned the heat up until it was literally scalding hot.

The difference is that the 9/11 lawsuit will be against foreign brown people.

Don’t have any in-process pics but I’m working on this: http://www.bayeux-broderie.com/gb/varied/64-harold-dux.html It’s a repro of a scene from the Bayeux Tapestry and I ordered it from France. You get linen piece with the outline of the design, a color reference chart, and wool thread. It uses an old Anglo-Saxon

Nothing so gruesome as that, but I can’t count the number of times I’ve had doctors say to me, “I’ve never seen this before.” The usual thing, like when I went to the dermatologist for a mole that had drastically changed size and shape, is the doctor says, “hmmm...” then goes and gets another doctor, and they say

I still had my portocath when i entered remission. After about a year of having it flushed once a month it turned out a staph infection had entered my body through the port, attacked my lung, and built up fluid around my heart. Even after that I prefer it to a picc line.

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

Puppies > babies