
If she can’t afford/find a babysitter she shouldn’t be going out. Those kids are the mother’s responsibility. Getting her a babysitter is just enabling her shitty behavior.

I think most people would agree that having small children running through and screaming throughout your wedding would ruin it. And considering what kind of person Pam is I bet a million dollars she isn’t going to watch her kids.

I agree with this, because the sole purpose behind someone threatening to bring their kids to your wedding (as opposed to just not saying anything and DOING it) is that they want to ruin everything. They want to cause you months of angst and worry, and have you spend your entire night worrying about what’ll happen and

I’d also speculate that this child gets preference from them because it’s a boy.

Because, according to the courts (and I agree), they are increasing this kid’s suffering by prolonging his life without any hope of improving his life. They are, essentially, keeping alive someone that is dying or dead - without complex, expensive medical equipment, that kid would be dead. With the advances in our

Here’s the thing though, when you start on the “parents know best” trend, then why value expert opinion at all? What if parents don’t want their kids going to school? Or what if they feel it’s okay for them to get married at age 13? The state acts as somewhat of an advocate for all citizens, including children.

Because as far as the latest reports I’ve seen on it go, he either does, or at least is still suspected to, feel pain... and his condition is a painful one.

Because his brain is so damaged that he’d have zero quality of life. That brain damage is irreversible.

Because even the doctor heading up the experimental

Well Republicans, (yes all of them) don’t care about any poor children. To them they are just an untapped and never-ending labor source and infantry.

I’m guessing that if that adorable little foreign child was brown, they wouldn’t care quite as much.

In that country? Yes.

It’s well known that, in the DPRK, yes, it is considered worthy of a death sentence, along with countless other minor offenses, real or fabricated.

I don’t think it’s irrational. He got some lucky beaks, looks O.K, but recently said in an interview “What else am I going to do with life?”

But there’s no reason we can’t have more woman and more black folk. The issue is mainstream culture indoctrinating society into believing it’s okay for white cishet men to dominate and that the rest of us have to fight over the scraps. There should be plenty of room for everyone once we get away from the idea of the

We also elected “W”. Obama was the aberration, as far as our allies are concerned. We have become a nation of the kind of people who will repeatedly elect authoritarian idiots, and will only grudgingly elect competent administrators. This is what makes our nation unreliable.

It will take a lot more than a new leader to make the USA anything but the worlds biggest terrorist entity. Respected? Not for thousands of years, you all have some serious atonement coming.

I think it’s time that medical science really starts researching “Peensteria”. They do all seem to be highly emotional, getting the vapors and incapable of rational thought. The wandering humors of the testes and the ego may be a serious malady that we have been overlooking for centuries.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You don’t like the possible outcomes, it’s your own fault what happens to your kids afterwards.

Exactly. Sheldon, like most of the characters on the show, are bullies. It takes a certain amount of skill, like that of Jim Parsons, to make you forget that the characters’ behavior is reprehensible (on a show where its not supposed to be). But there it is.

He endangered the lives of every single person in that building. People were injured, one seriously burned, trying to help him. Everyone who saw this now has to live with seeing a person burning alive, one of the most horrific things I can imagine. He lost my sympathy with this one single act. His completely

Crowdfunding idea: Soap/shampoo/conditioner/whatever other unnecessary things odd people use, with bottles shaped like Tetris pieces so they stack.