first time talker long time listener

Nobody gives a shit fucknut. 5 million (allegedly) dumbfucks keeping any meaningful discussion from happening was one thing, the insane ramblings by Wayne LaFuckbag and SuperShill Loesch would cause any reputable entity to think twice of such affiliations.

Rachel Maddow said tonight “Are all the members of the Grand Jury liberals too?” and I lol’d. Comeuppances are NIIIICE...

There’s nothing more American than top-heavy corporate compensation packages of financially unstable and questionable companies!

Ha Ha Again... I had to pick up a farmhouse sink at Lowe’s one day in the Challenger and it was a spectacle. The charger’s back doors and trunk configuration would have helped much better in that affair than the huge box eating up all of the passenger seat and part of mine...

Ha! We’re the same age and when swapping out my older Charger, I looked at newer Chargers, 300's and Challengers... There were a couple high-end 300 versions with great wheels, nice colors, etc... but the Challenger was too perfect.

Man, I love the tenacity, gumption, bravery and reaction that these young people are putting on display. They capture how many of us adults feel about this issue—without the hopelessness of despair that comes along with the biggest fuckpile of shit Congress and POTUS we’ve ever had.

OK, I have to admit. The pose is kinda sexy. Seeing the shoes too? Nice.

Must be fun being you. Completely void of anything useful, yet you’re out of the grays. Go clean your guns, fuckwad. Preferably while loaded and drinking bleach.

During that timeframe, once on Network TV there was Todd Parrot’s radio to Dale Jarret (I think) where it was clear as a bell, “Get me a set of 20 pound shocks for this motherfucker”

It’s hilarious how later in the day it’s now revealed he’s a white supremacist tool of the alt right and your posts are typical gun-nut platitudes and deflections. The fact you tossed out “abortion” in another comment shows you have no desire to be taken seriously. Fuck off.

Because every problem in America can be solved one of two ways

It means this shit is as old as Charleton Heston’s last diaper.

It was weird the first time I saw it and it’s still a bit weird. I realize there’s huge levels of consent required for BDSM, but I cannot imagine my wife enjoying any aspect of blood/air cutoff while trying to get it on. Hair pulling a little? OK. Hot smack on the ass? Of course. Using a free hand to choke instead of

Out of the 160K, how many were REAL PEOPLE? I mean you can ask all these Grabowskis and Joe 12-Packs about their widdle fee fees all day, but did they consult with multimillionaires? High rise n big city real estate gurus? What about military suppliers? Lobbyists? Hedge fund and big finance peeps?

Dang. Wasn’t Runaway Gene Simmons and Kirstie Alley??!

Wait, so there’s more than just Nazis, White Supremacists, alt-right freaks and basement dwelling MRAs on Reddit? Or is this their creation as well?

Go read the comments on any Pelosi article, anywhere and you’ll find misogyny, ageism, hatred of anything (D), attacks on appearance, character and a laundry list of vile, disgusting and unrelated implications. But are they really fucked up, hateful and stupid Americans or outside the US trolls and bots?

Damn. I was in the other room when I heard the voice of one of my heroes.

You damn right.

I’ve always loved those old-school cutaways that were done before the Illustrator/Photoshop era too. SOOO COOOL!