first time talker long time listener

Yes, and maybe get them out of the fucking hammer lane quicker here in the Carolinas. Every fucking piece of Interstate is a 2-lane same direction clusterfuck while some speed-governed franchise prick on a headset camps out in the left lane trying to get around a camper or even slower rig.

He tried to move on her. She said “don’t ever do it again” and he didn’t.

Why would he need to go for conduct that occurred before he was a Senator?

I am 46 with a 9 year old and I’m like, WTF is this shit content, this person seems like a fucking epic loser IRL, and how did you get 10+Million YT views?

The Guardian on Roy’s time as judge: Sided with offenders over prosecutors 13 of 16 times in sex crime cases, with 10 times dissenting from the majority...

Thought I was the only one who felt that way. His descriptions were always so freaking hilarious. Some of the shit didn’t even make sense but it sounded good when John said it... (totally made this up—or did I?)

Said it before but just in case- The fools talking about HRC not hitting Michigan, WI, etc:

Sorry the response comes off as snippy instead of supportive to yours.

“Flat Battery” - That’s not even English, dude.

You know who pulls their dicks out without being asked?

Gee, I wonder how this will be viewed by the more “rural” folks who are hesitant to embrace progress and innovation. Oh wait:

The whole Roy Moore thing is likely to go nowhere.

Disappointed that he seems to hate POC. Maybe he’s got seeded hatred because of his son’s demise...

I’m kind of with you. I can’t stand violence but some of these motherfuckers have major face punches coming. There’s a handful of right wingers that are BEGGING for a Louisville Slugger over the kneecap.

Wasn’t this a huge component of the Travis Bickle shootout in Taxi Driver??!

It’s because Obummer- he paid himself that 20 T and skated!

I think it was City Slickers that covers this:

My comment is pretty much the same as yours, just more foo foo.

Wow. Sorry you have to have any ‘demons’ haunting you, much less driving you to self-harm. Weather the storm as best you can. There are people who care about you and your personal situation. There is someone out there who has something to help you. Be patient.

Yep. Her shape is wonderful, but this is how you know someone isn’t just a singer or musician, but an Artist. 3 steps ahead of the game at all times.