first time talker long time listener

You can beat me or hit me or coat me in flour

What, no sexism or racism? I have to mark that one down to a B. :)

Not a lot of Michiganders with Confederate blood relatives buried within a car ride...

Man, down here in SC, BMW pays like 12-15 hr for low-level starters. To many of these goobers, that’s a king’s ransom.

Hysterectomy? Is that where they make female comedians funnier?

Conti is one of our key sponsors so I will agree they make superb products. :)

The Mrs. loves all of these “real” wifey shows... I find them baffling.

This fuckstick’s pink beetle shots are going to cost Fox a pretty penny. I can’t stop laughing over this, especially cuz this belligerent dipshit was just talking more shit about Obama a day ago...

And my wife does hair, no bedazzling!

OMG that was my most recent Halloween costume... OOH YEAH the creme always rises to the TOP!

Our 2011 Citadel is a v8 AWD with all the bells and whistles and honestly it’s spectacular even still. Only 65K miles on it, it’s had hail damage and a big driver side T-bone (repaired back to new) that my wife got only one tiny bump in.

HEY! We don’t cheat, we just ogle.

Pretty much 2-3 a week. Or more often than that.

Gotta hand it to the company for casting real women in the photos. The authenticity would be shot with a Hadid or Ratajkowski in em.

Unfortunately, it’s all too often that those carrying in that condition will likely accidentally discharge it at a restaurant, gas station or Walmart...

Trumpkins: Ummmm, FIRE THE LEAKERS! We can’t have the world knowing we have a mental patient in the White House!

Great feature and glad you had a good time, Kurt. I’m a contractor for the South Carolina facility and Matt Mullins is THE MAN behind the wheel doing programs and hot laps here. Mind blowing. Been able to get some good pics as well:

Dammit. Didn’t scroll enough to see yours. I just posted the Mediaite version of the lawsuit article.

Mueller must be getting hot. Red hot. Check this shit out too. Detective Wheeler has filed a suit against Fox alleging they wanted the Seth Rich story to keep swirling because it pushed Russia out of the headlines:

And we needed a Florida Reality Show why? Other than Cops/Live PD of course...