
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

lol @ all those people who voted Trump/Pence because they were “anti-corruption” ahahahahahahaha.

What has always pissed me off about these blue collar white folks is that they go on and on about welfare and entitlement programs but at the same time want the government to bring back their jobs. These folks who say less government is better, who say government always fucks things up, they are more than happy to

This is what I’m wondering too. I’m not sure how a guy like Trump becomes a champion for these downtrodden people in the rust belt. Trump is the very embodiment of the rich, white factory owners who left these people behind. His party stands in direct opposition to everything that will benefit these people (decent

Oh stop the bullshit. Trump had one message, kick out the foreigners. And racists middle American and the south responded. How many times did Trump supporters say being PC was destroying America. PC meaning putting up with minorities. Go fuck yourself and your bullshit excuse for choosing a racist President.

It is a lot easier to determine the point of the switch. Working class rust belt whites have seen their communities getting worse while the rest of the country bounced back.

Obama didn’t win the election with the demographic that voted for Trump. Only had 39% in 2012. He won with the others demographics. Which is why the gutting of the Voting Rights Act is so significant. Probably took away the votes Hillary needed to swing a couple states.

Continuing to ignore that core truth. there have been several articles over the last few weeks that stressed the reality that this was not about the economy. The people voting for Trump were mostly employed and not low income.

A willingness to embrace absurdly false worldviews was prevalent during the election, especially on the right (hence The Wall Mexico is totally paying for), but that isn’t a good excuse. Hillary offered alternative industry proposals, but that wasn’t what they wanted to hear even if it is the only real path forward.

Rural voters that hate blacks/browns, gays, uppity women and abortion.

The Republicans built a hell of a feedback loop, though. They repeatedly shit on working class whites, and then convince them that they’re covered in Democratic shit. The shit-covered working class whites vote more Republicans into office, and the cycle builds on itself.

The rust belt voted on the premise and promise that their jobs would be coming back. Let’s set this straight. They’re never coming back. Corporatists like Trump are first and foremost responsible for off shoring those manufacturing positions. You will reap what you sow.

But he sold those people lies. I know it sucks to tell people that there is little hope, but those jobs aren’t coming back. The jobs that people got 20-30 years ago in the energy sector now require an engineering degree. Times have changed, but Donald sold them on an outdated mindset.

I guess the great crime here is that Hillary failed to offer up impossible and worthless platitudes to these folks. I don’t look down on working class people, my father certainly falls into that category. However, you’re selling snake oil to these people if you try to convince them that manufacturing is coming back as

yes, “Christians” who preach forgiveness for the adulterer but not for someone who sends emails.