
Now update Better Gmail & YouTube pretty please!

Updated Java and the thing still won't play! Frustrating!Any ideas? FireNES opens to a black screen and then nothing...

Demonoid TRACKER is up. has been for awhile now. i would estimate site will return, but might be some time before they find a suitable host. hope the old accounts aren't deleted... had quite the ratio there.

Wow... some of these comments... legalistic, paranoiac, and many generally uninformed. Quite a surprise. BT Safety primarily hinges on 2 things: the tracker and your isp. FIND GOOD/RELIABLE/SECURE ONES! (Stop downloading polluted torrents on notorious isp's and your golden.)

only 10 FF extensions? weak! :)

yes yes and YES. this is so dead for for me. thank you LH!

easy way to check torrent: READ THE COMMENTS!

more danger=more fun

If only ID3 tags were always accurate, this would be great. I prefer to add music manually (drag, drop) so I can ensure accurate tags and organization in my massive music library.

jeez. just shutup.

WASTE a potato? But I'm Irish!!

jeez... enough already with the whole 'don't talk about Usenet', 'Whats Usenet?', etc. Your bubble of secrecy was burst years ago. Yes, we all know it's primarily (but not entirely) for piracy, blah blah. Whatever. Stop trying to hide something that has been way out in the open for quite awhile now. I mean, come on,

I'm buying a wireless router. Must work with XP AND Ubuntu. Was leaning towards Linksys WRT54GL due to the DD-WRT firmware upgrade...

Vista = glorified XP skin. *nix, ftw!

Currently use VibeStreamer but would like something with a bit more functionality (maybe stream some videos?). Wonder how this compares to VS or Orb... Any recommends?

Most isp's ban BT? i heard of many using traffic shaping (not mine though), but never heard of wide-spread banning of BT...

careful applewax... multi accounts on private tracker=ban worthy

@lettuce: yeah, takes a month before you're even allowed to VIEW the invites/trades section. then rep-building time... but worth it for the determined! and oh the rewards! they are so sweet on those private trackers!

@dubignon: IMO, the best place for trades/invites is [FileSharingTalk.com] . Huge community and TONS of great info. One of the best resources I've found yet. Demonoid is fairly easy to get (just watch for when they open their registration), Oink on the other hand is an entirely different story... good luck on your