
Here’s the thing I don’t get about the “We aren’t powerful enough to be the cause of climate change!” shit... So, we’re not causing it, sure fine whatever... but don’t you want to, like... make sure we can still live here for a few more years? Like, even if I accept your conceit that humans are not affecting this (I

‘Why are you even talking, Stedman? Stedman why are you talking?’

Colonel Vogel: What does the diary tell you that it doesn’t tell us?
[he tries to slap him again; Henry grabs his wrist, stopping him]
Professor Henry Jones: It tells me, that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try *reading* books instead of *burning* them!

Obviously I hate a lot of Trump’s tics, but I think my least favorite is his insistence that everyone agrees with him. “I think everyone would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her” ... Nah, man. We can’t agree on that.

the changes are being made for “clarity.”

“I’m basically Homer” is the biggest self-own of all time. You realize you’re supposed to laugh at his stupidity, not relate to him, right?

Goddamn it, I shouldn’t get this joke.

I know when I want to discuss the intrinsic value of expression via sculpture and the overly judgmental nature of critics, my first stop is the Deadspin comments section.

The real story here is that Hannah apparently has no idea what a moose looks like.

This is the guy who Skyped in from elsewhere in the building so he didn’t have to face the press in person. He’s terrified of them and will avoid the press room at all costs.

The opportunist can be dealt with by making your way opportune. The true believers like Pence and Cruz, there is no way to stop them besides outright defeating them. They honestly believe God himself wants them to do what they’re doing, and put them there to do it.

anti-white supremacist folks

“Hey sweetie, could you pass the salt? Also, I never had sex with Marlon Brando, in case that ever comes up.”

It is, it’s just at a funny angle. You can see the blue lines on the snow, which mark distance and make the slope move visible.

I watched this entire thing live (whoops, gave them what they wanted...) and trust me: Nobody was hurt DESPITE the FIS’ decision, not because the decision was right. There were some really dangerous crashes that never would’ve happened in better conditions.

Shame on you for publishing something so derogatory

Casual fan here who hasn’t watched a front-to-back UFC card in years (used to go to bars or get together with friends for PPVs in the mid to late 2000s all the time). Reasons I no longer watch:

Never fails.