Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

I wouldn’t have used “rectified” in my letter in this situation.

Sean is way too uptight, he needs to loosen up a bit.

Now we know what to call him. Thanks, Sean.

Class of ‘93? He looks like he’s 60 years old!

In California, the top 1% makes $454k and above.

Yeah, for a couple of years she’s making that much, but it could all drop off quickly and she could (and likely will) be making significantly less in very short order. Plus, like I said, she’s living in LA, which is an incredibly expensive place to live, so that kind of money doesn’t go as far as it would in other

I think that looking at it for an hour of work isn’t right, though. She may be performing for an hour, but the work that it takes to create that hour of comedy gold counts as many more hours of unpaid work. Writing, rehearsing, promoting, those things don’t pay on their own, and they take a ton of time. Say she makes

That is GOLD. Not the kind of gold that Trump likes, but gold nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:

Waving a confederate flag is a figurative punch in the face. If you wave it, you should expect (and probably are hoping for) blowback.

I understand what you are saying, but I’d imagine that to a black person, a white guy waving the Confederate flag is a message of “I wish that you black people were once again property of white people.”

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Depicted here with his Rey and JJ action figures.

Physical acting is one of the most difficult things you can do. Have you recognized Doug Jones in any of his many roles without dialogue? No, you haven’t, because he’s damn good at what he does. Same for Mayhew. The way he moved informed the character. And I highly doubt you could do the same, much less stumble,

Han’s going to be asked to smuggle the Max Rebo band to an illegal concert on Tattooine where a mysterious crimelord has outlawed dancing.

Yeah- I have the same concerns about the idea of this movie. From my perspective, the original Star Wars film was what defined his character. The point of his character in that film was that prior to the events of the film he was nobody, neither good nor bad, neither hero nor villain. But his turning point came on

As long as the movie includes another death star as a plot point, I’m good.

I just hope they don’t make the mistake of giving Han a heart of gold in this movie. He shouldn’t be bad - kind of a chaotic neutral, but it’s pretty clear that he’s doing everything he can to avoid getting involved in the good-vs.-evil struggle for the galaxy. It would be a big mistake to have him doing anything to

Did Gad call her “Baby” at the beginning of the video? Are they dating? Is he the luckiest big guy on the planet?

Holy shit. With every day that goes by I’m not sure that we haven’t fallen into some alternate universe where real life is some bad 90's action movie.