Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

I mean, it makes sense. He was created for Ep. 1 to be the more kid friendly target, so his ultimate fate in the SW universe is to go back to keeping the kids entertained.

They like jump out the water and slap against you coyly and you can just sit back and grab the ones you want but at some point you get sick of eating salmon, but you still take nibble out of each one anyway because there are starving bears in NorCal with no salmon at all.

I am black. I have been to Medford (Ashland is really the college town but Medford is seedier and right next door). Can confirm; if you don’t mind being objectified it’s like being a bear in a salmon run.

That is an awesome story and knowing the rural PNW personally, its totally believable.

I had a group of friends in the late 90s (all black guys—this is relevant) who used to drive every other weekend from Sacramento to fucking Medford, Oregon, to go to an under 21 nightclub (I don’t remember if the minimum age was 18 or 16, but I think 18). When I inquired as to why in the fuck they would drive like 5

Oh is it reboot time already...

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Beyonce wearing Indian garb for a music video.

What exactly is it?

Fuck. Yeah.

I love this so much. All of Young Animal has been really good (although I’d say the standout has been Shade the Changing Girl), but the Allreds always make really, really great comics — the previous comic that they all participated in was FF and that was simply awesome.

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Judge Randy Stoker should be bombarded with actual mail to his home address, since, ya know — he hates the Internet and thinks it’s a good excuse for rape. But since I’m not privy his home address, he can be reached here:

Translation: None of those hippy chicks would sleep with him so they must not have been sleeping with anybody.

When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.

alas! i had been holding out hope that he was simply a huge fan of the love song of j. alfred prufrock.

Why can’t we just let Jean Grey be a badass omega level mutant for awhile without the Phoenix. Please?

This all seems so familiar. I mean, maybe I’m just imagining things but I seem to recall this story where a large western superpower armed a small state fighting Russian expansionism. Unless I’m totally fucking up my facts here that went to shit pretty badly once Russia “lost” and the western superpower was no