Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

The usual nepotism and vapid insider business logic that equals meat headed movies like Batman v Superman. ... Directors make characters and stories convey and evoke feelings. They don’t just arrange pretty pictures on a screen. The Secret of NIHM is a beloved classic movie that was good because it was well written

But you came blame Trump... No seriously can we make that a meme?

Why is this happening?

I’m sorry, it’s been a long and difficult day: Is this sarcasm? Are we scare-quoting Long-Awaited? I honestly don’t know anymore.

Look if the prequels taught me anything, it’s that Anakin cannot act.

Not sure what the issue is? She’s a spy, and Vader is play acting.

I’ve been in the grays since 2009, so who knows what the grays stand for? I wish Kinja or Jezebel never had a gray system. I was told I had to comment way more to get out of the grays and then I read comments that are vile and racist and somehow they’ve surpassed the greys?

I’ve never yelled at Kara. The most recent time I was ungreyed, I was stuck back in the greys within minutes. What irritates me is that the greys were designed to keep rape gifs out, not meant to be a cudgel to suppress comments, which is what the system has become.

Yep, you and me both. Sometimes a nice person will rescue a comment or two, but mostly I’m a ghost.

I have no idea how one even gets out of the greys at this point.

The whole grey thing is why I don’t comment here that much anymore. ESPECIALLY the smug “not grey” commentators who like to claim superiority. If I want to deal with cliquey high school bullshit, I talk to my teen about his day.

In that vein, what’s it take to get out of the greys, anyway? I like to think I bring (at least moderately) incisive/funny comments (and lots of Parks and Rec gifs) - but no dice. Am I to die alone and unloved, perpetually waiting? Kinja is giving me a complex.


Thank you—-a grey.

aw heck.

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

“WEAPON-HOLE”? Don’t be getting all technical on me ffs!


Oh man. This broke every geek reflex and triggered every confirmation bias in my brain.

Of course I thought it was the equatorial trench. But just now, upon learning this, my first reaction was, “Well obviously - the trench doesn’t intersect the exhaust port.”

This, exactly. I’m a gay white male, am I expected to get all of “my white people” organized? I had debates and exchanges of ideas with family members, people at work, friends. Some of them voted for Hillary, some could care less, and others are diehard republicans (work, especially). Using facts and reason did not