Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

I justify my lack of connection to any of the characters except K-2SO and maybe Chaiwat by thinking that it sort of fits thematically. The whole point of the story is the amount of sacrifice that went into swiping the plans and getting them to the rebels. So, everyone from Jyn all the way to the one shouting desperate

My guess is: At that point in the development they were all slated to live heroically, Star Wars style. After transmitting the plans, the TIE rises up and we expect her to get blasted, but it turns out to be Bodhi the Imperial Pilot and they get away. Yay!

the droid manages to be the only likable character, and he doesn’t even have a soul.

Seems like an open and shut case to me. It’s not fair to only serve tourists to black people.

Here you go, Lillian Boyer hanging from the wing of a Jenny. This was “scanty” in 1920; you can nearly almost see her ankles.

This alleged transcript is like a celeb version of “Marine Todd”.

Elvis is everywhere, man. He’s in everything. He’s in everybody. He’s in your jeans! He’s in your cheeseburgers! Elvis is in Nutty Buddies! Elvis is in your mom! He’s in everybody, he’s in the young, the old, the fat, the skinny, the white, the black, the brown, and the BLUE people got Elvis in ‘em, too. Elvis is in

Ever since Harris Wittels died, Phish makes me sad.

That reminds me of a funny story. Actually it’s not so funny as it is long...

I used to work security at concerts while in college back in the mid 90's, which was odd considering I’m not a big guy. It was me, my even smaller brother, and a few dozen huge fucking guys who played football at SU.

I. Ya Mar, Blowing off studying for Pre-cal test but yolo, Harpua, Texting Steve about that Harpua, Calling Mike’s Song, Wading in a Velvet Sea

Fun fact: wing walking was a thing in the ‘20s. Barnstormers flew from town to town, making their living putting on airshows and selling rides. Wing walkers were a prime attraction; the pilot would fly down the main street of the town with someone hanging from the wing. The wing walker was sometimes a scantily clad

Like what can you possibly to say to someone like this...

Hey, my bad. It’s White Power Bill. It’s from a funny TV show from 13 years ago. Look it up and lighten up, jefe.

Trump Supporter: My penis doesn’t work and I can’t bend over to tie my shoes. I haven’t challenged myself mentally in 25 years and loud sounds frighten me. This is all the fault of people who write poop jokes on the internet.

When we got into fistfights in high school, our principal had a unique punishment- the offending parties would have to stand up in front of the lunch room, holding hands for the entire time.

We have the worst economy in decades with over 90 million Americans fallen out of unemployment statistics they’ve been out of work so long.

Another good part of this video is at 0:25 when the guy in the Hurricanes polo says “I gotta pee” and takes the Mountaineers fan’s spot.

Did you not notice that White Power Jim has a fucking prosthetic leg??

That is a stupendous zinger. I laughed loudly in the theater. Disclaimer: I am a dad.