Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

I would have also accepted this dude, who holds the secrets to luxurious conditioning:

That was miles away the worst line of the movie for me. It felt like real homage to the prequels.

I presume you are referring to the controversial choice to not give this guy about an hour more screen time:

You mean undercutting the menace of Vader’s scene with Krennic by punctuating the end of it with a dad joke?

You recast Mon Mothma, I’m sure there’s a gaunt, skeleton looking guy somewhere out there. Jesus, this was so distracting.

Nailed it. This is like a promo for a Key and Peele spoof of “It”, ha ha!

Actually when I first seen the picture I thought of this, now its not scary:

Why does It look like the Red Queen from those Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland movies?

The light on the exterior of the pipe is coming upward from the bottom.

That’s just not Pennywise.

Depends on what caused the heart attack and what damage it did to the heart. It’s really an umbrella term for many things that can go wrong with the heart

There are wildly varying degrees of heart attack and even cardiac arrest where different parts of the heart can stop working or they can be beating out of the correct rhythm. My bff is an ICU nurse specializing in heart patients and she has some crazy stories. Modern medicine is amazing but unfortunately cases like

but but Jeff Goldblum.... as a dog...

Awww, the cute nerd that he is. That’s adorable. Gross, but also adorable.

Throw in some flesh-colored stubble and you’ve got Jeffrey Dahmer.

Confession time: I LOVED Garden State. When I was in high school, I must’ve watched that movie a dozen times. I loved that whole “Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!” “Hey, you too!” I thought that was so great. And I definitely bought the whole soundtrack and listened to it many many many times. I haven’t seen it

Everytime I see one of those street fight/sucker punch stories where someone dies, it’s not the impact of the punch that kills them but the resulting fall and head smashing into solid object that does it.

This isn’t so bad by Oklahoma standards.