Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

More like, if your kid is a passable athlete and not at the bottom of their grade they can play sports for the Ivy League. Ivy League schools don’t give out athletic scholarships, so they’ll take whoever they can get.

Counterpoint: 140 characters or GTFO. If you can’t pare it down for the platform it doesn’t mean that you have necessary ideas which require excess space; it means you’re bad at Twitter (which is a dumb platform, itself). Paste a thesis and shortened link (to your blog or goatse, whatever the mood calls for) like a

You can buy tickets, I was in Minnesota for school and my friends wanted to go, so we went. It was really something, they don’t let you take your phone or a camera so I have no pictures but it was very cool. We got to go inside his studio, which was incredible.


And because you said that on another post, I already knew the answer.

I went to his house a couple of weeks ago and they have aromatherapy diffusers everywhere that make the whole place smell like lavender. It was really pleasant.

What? There have been TONS of great albums and great new bands to come out in the last 6 years. Some genres have taken off and some have sort of died off. I could probably name 50 great albums to come out in the past 6 years in a wide variety of genres.

This is a great time to discuss once again my favorite theory (and not mine, I can’t take credit) that Rey is a clone of Luke’s hand. The story of how they found that old light saber wasn’t explained, but it’s not impossible they found the hand too. And in a universe that can easily clone...there you go. And before

I’m not upset about it. People trying to frame it as a ‘policing women’s bodies’ issue....that’s ridiculous. It’s possible to be an observant Muslim woman and NOT wear a burqa or niquab. It’s possible to phase out expressions of any particular religion which do not fit into a modern society. One of my best friends is

It’s more complicated than that. Banning the burqa is sexist but the burqa is sexist as well.

I’d be OK with banning trilbys.

I can’t be upset about this because I think the burqa and the niqab should not exist. If a man can’t handle looking at even a woman’s face, he has issues. My understanding: A burqa covers the entire body, head to toe, with a small mesh panel for a woman to see. A niqab covers everything but the eyes. Strangely, I

You can’t tell, but I’m sad that you would insult my son like that!

My sympathy to you, sir...Being raised in a country devoid of humor must’ve been decidedly worse.

Or maybe if Leto had behaved like a professional on-set instead of a method asshole.

Or do you mean TwIsTeD? Or perhaps Tw15t3d?

Fuck me. I want to throw up each time I see this shit

No, I meant twisted.

Any chance this was a photoshopped lie as well? Just double checking...

The set stories have more story and character moments than the movie did