Nothing can stop the Earl of Grey

Man, Assange has made himself into such a douche that I am now pro-government spying and anti-transparency. I’ve been mailing transcripts of all my phone calls to the NSA just to give them a head start; not sure about the cease and desist letter I just got but I think they’re playing hard to get.

Still better than the billion names that rhyme with Aiden we’ve been getting for the past 20 years.

You do as a last resort if you can’t run or hide.

Fight is the last resort. Note that it’s listed third.

I’m seeing some criticism of the fight part of the message. It’s a list of priorities. Run if you can, hide if you can’t, and fight if you’re found. The truth is that if an active shooter finds you and you don’t fight you’ll die anyway. It doesn’t mean to proactively go out and play Yosemite Sam trying to hunt down

So, Cracked has an article today talking about how it’s almost impossible for promising young directors to do their own thing (case in point: JJ Abrams has done almost entirely remakes/sequels), and studios freak out when they deviate too much from the “brand.”

Unrelated (well, totally related), I’m looking forward to a day when the Empire (*cough* Disney) retires the Death Star. Surely there must be a million great stories to tell that don’t involve blowing up planets with a giant laser. I liked TFA ok, but found the Death Star scenes just tedious. Here’s hoping Episode 8 &

L.A.’s famed Chateau Marmot

I have no doubt that this will still be happening in 2106.

Would have been a better movie imo.

“story that Suicide Squad wanted to tell”

She pops up occasionally in the fashion blogs/fashion magazines when they do those little profiles on models. I thought she almost always states her Malaysian heritage and a bit of internet sleuthing confirmed my memories. It stuck out to me because there are so few Asian or Pacific Islanders in the modeling industry.

I find it a bit strange everyone keeps identifying her as white

She actually seems like a pretty great kid (she’s only 19). She talks a lot about intersectional feminism and the need for more diversity in modeling.

Well if anything, at least we can agree she’s gorgeous.

I think the point was showing people owning it instead of people dismissing it or excusing it poorly. It was celebratory.

No one said she needed to. She wanted to and took it upon herself to do so. And as an actor and model it is something you have to consent to in the first place (I was also a child actor/model) and like she said she wouldn’t do it now with the knowledge she has an adult. She wanted to address it. Didn’t HAVE TO,

Some other pics of Bador

Clover’s not going for outrage. Not every Jez article is about being outraged. It’s about the mistake the magazine made and especially the well-handled apology from the model. Seems more like Clover wanted to feature the model’s genuine apology as a good example. It’s supposed to be kind of a happy ending story.