
My knowledge of Star Trek is limited to the original series and TNG, so I cannot comment on Deep Space Nine. But even if it did work well for them, it hasn't for most others. I think I've at least got the right to be concerned that the show is undergoing such a shift in only its second season.

It's not just the reality. It's the tone, it's the style. The people working on the show went out of their way to adapt characters to avoid those elements, and they said as much in interviews. It makes creative input that went into making the Royal Flush Gang what it is here and not what it is in the comics a bit of a

You just a few comments down referred to the show's previous avoidance of superpowers et al as "not-fun restrictions," while saying a few weeks back "the idea of Flash whizzing around or other superheroes showing up in Arrow just sounds damn FUN to me….I would be disappointed if we never got any superpowered anything

Then you should probably work on your message since that's not how you come off. You keep coming back every week defending the decision to include superpowers et al based on the idea that not including them makes the show an unfit adaptation of the comics.

And I don't understand your relentless insistence that the show needs to be your thing and not it's own thing. What problem do you have with different people adapting the comics in different ways?

Except that superpowers are still a thing in Batman comics. Just because he's fighting Two-Face one week doesn't mean Man-Bat has been written out of existence.

Be careful now, that'll get you sued for hate speech.

Other controversies worth noting:

You know, I wonder if her personal history with Henry Cavill has anything to do with that.

Anyone else having this problem where where you click on "Show 1 New Reply" and it takes you back up to the top of the page?

I can completely understand why someone might go with Hong Kong, but the "442 years" part gives it away. That would mean the colony was established in the mid 16th Century. That's well before the English started their overseas colonial efforts, but right at the height of the Portuguese empire. That should pretty

Possibly, but that would just make the Arrow's episodes with Barry Allen a weird aberration from the rest. And it seems like the Mirakuru stuff is going to stay around longer than that, and we have Malcolm Merlyn's resurrection (probably via Lazarus pit) to consider.

Just think - If these guys hadn't missed the deadline for the first time earlier this season, this episode would have aired alongside the other three and before Black Friday.

It's expanding its borders into something the showrunners decidedly ruled against in Season 1. The show went out of its way to adapt characters to fit the show's Dark Knight Trilogy-inspired tone. That meant avoiding superpowers, ridiculous gadgets, colorful costumes, and all other things of that sort. The Count was

The problem is it's thing last season and it's thing this season contradict each other.

Roy used to be an ally of the Vigilante

The problem with the Flash and superpowers is that they are about as far removed from "grounded" as you get. Aside from Flash's own superspeed (speaking of which, it's always looked hokey to me in live action), you have his Rogues Gallery - more speedsters, a guy dressed like an Inuit with an ice gun, a guy with

* Barry and Felicity have a conversation about penetration. SEXUAL TENSION

Rant on. By all means, rant on.

He looked like a "North Korean dictator" cut.