
The lower production budget on The Walking Dead made the game better. They don't have to worry about graphical fidelity or making a game that would be easily marketable, and were instead able to focus their efforts on the writing and make a cheaper, downloadable title that's one of the few games to feature an

I have mixed feelings on this. For one, it's about time Wonder Woman got put in a movie. She is the most notable comic book character to have not yet appeared in a feature film. On the other, it is disconcerting that Warner Bros. feels the need to use the sequel to Man of Steel as a means to introduce all these other

The Walking Dead is the game Quantic Dream wants to make but never will. With Beyond, QD created something that sits awkwardly between two forms of media; it's too interactive to be a movie, but not interactive enough to a game. It doesn't help that David Cage is still stuck in the woefully incorrect mindset that

I was thinking he might have worked better as Wally West.

He was a black man living in a world without police or government.

But, unlike the black men who have died on the show, Lee gets a memorable, touching death.

I would not like to see a Telltale game dragged down by David Cage's pretentious bullshit.

I didn't play it until earlier this year, and even then it was on the limited edition disc. I find the episodic format too risky; a developer could just put a lot of effort into the early episodes and then half-ass it for the rest (*coughBacktotheFuturecough*). It's not that difficult to avoid the wiki pages that talk

Those were definitely her parents. They even look the same as they did in the photo at the beginning of the game (albeit as undead walkers).

It's a hard G! It's "gift", not "jift," dammit!

I'm sometimes awestruck by the irony of a the popularity of a television show somewhat infamous for its problems with black characters leading to one of the few video games with a black protagonist. And he's one of the best-written video game characters ever.

Yes, just a list. Like what they did for the article about Comedy Central yesterday. You make the list as long as is needed. If there were 50 really great comedy specials, all 50 should get recognized. There shouldn't be some arbitrary cut-off. If there were only three, the list shouldn't have to be padded to some

There isn't a difference between the two. I don't find her funny and I don't see the appeal, and I explained why. Arguments without any evidence or explanation behind them are terrible arguments.

If she has more talent, she should put it to better use and talk about more than just her sexual escapades.

So what you're saying is I should have just said "AMY SCHUMER SUCKSSSSSSS" and left it at that? Go home, troll.

Anyone else having the problem where you accidentally drag the previous question to replace the next one?

morley over-simplifies it. Comedians have personas, but it's not their one joke, their entire act like it is with Schumer. I don't like Larry the Cable Guy for the same reason.

And the personas of those other comedians you listed is just a persona, not their only juke like Schumer. They'll make observational humor from that standpoint. Louis CK is a schlub, but his jokes are about fatherhood, divorce, etc. Jeselnik's made his act a bit meta, somewhat becoming a parody of other comedians like

The change just doesn't go far enough.

Except that, for those comedians you listed, their persona is just a persona, not the entirety of their act. Louis CK is a schlub, but he talks about different topics. Sometimes he's ripping on fatherhood, other times its divorce, or some asshole kid. Jeselnik's even taken his act a bit meta, being a parody of other