you are so boring

not once........what makes this they did it twice!!!!! :::yaawwnn:::

This vehicle would greatly hasten pizza delivery near beachs

....uh huh.....anyway


its not a waste because they are trying to dogfight with something that wasnt designed to dogfight....the f-22 is air to air the f-35 is a bomber. the writer of this article is smoking crack

no misinformation this journalist is smoking crack writing an article about the f-35 being unable to dogfight....thats what the f-22 is for the f-35 is a bomber. Thats like buying a 747 commercial airliner attempting to dogfight with it and then writing an article about how bad it did.

thanks for the click bait title

This article is comparing dated tech to the new jets...and in essence saying “why dont they have something similar?” well thats because the new helmets they use allow them to see through the cockpit floor and all around through the wings as well.” they have far more sophisticated tech on the way as well...the program

But you will still be stoned in the public square with large rocks for your sinful transgressions of playing on a console!!!!! INFADEL!!!!

behold....russias might!!!!!!!

These articles of " and so should fear" are so freaking stupid.....laughably stupid...stop writing them and try some real journalism.

Meh....its alright I guess...I have seen better.

"goes something like this..." if he works for any gov. sector or military think tank. It is so laughable when people come to these articles on military equipment and post like they have any idea. LMAO....its hilarious all the assumptions vomited out with such confidence. HAHAHAHA

"goes something like this..." if he works for any gov. sector or military think tank. It is so laughable when people come to these articles on military equipment and post like they have any idea. LMAO....its hilarious all the assumptions vomited out with such confidence. HAHAHAHA

I love how everyone fell for the title of this article. People will believe anything. sad...really sad

All these morons trying to hype the old equipment afraid to say something good about the plane that has had bad media....learn to go your own way and stop following the crowds losers.