
As a plus-size woman who is also a costume designer, that is always the challenge that confirms my disdain for most of the contestants. It's the challenge that proves that many of them just like to make shapes with fabric and have no real idea of how to design, since design is more than sketching and stitching. You

What's your solution for premeditated attempted murder? Community service?

Yeah, 12 years old is too young to realize that murder is wrong. Oh wait, no it isn't. Lock them up.

Eh. When I was twelve I wouldn't have fucking murdered another kid, and I'd have expected to go to jail for life if I had.

Right because stabbing someone in an attempt to murder them is just a phase every 12 year old goes through, right?

Dammit! I also posted this.

The comments on this post make me want to bake everyone cookies and give out free hugs to you guys. (important note: I *hate* hugs.)

Ok how about this — not ALL men treat me in certain ways, but it gets harder and harder to ignore that fact that ONLY men do.

I forget where I even found this.

It's a sure sign of someone thinking everything is always about them.

A corollary pops up in comments on articles about motherhood: "there are stay at home dads too" as if motherhood isn't worthy of discussion in its own right without including men

"Not all *insert word or phrase here*" is the gift that keeps on giving.

Judging from all the defensive and whiny-ass responses, I'd say not all men realize how funny this is.