
I love this!!! I’ve always wanted to go, the fact the entire city is haunted just makes it that much more appealing. And to a born and bred Californian, the term “weans” always gets me!! I’m going to call me kids that now. 

I had a very vivid dream a few years ago that I was underwater swimming with killer whales. But they all had Thomas The Train faces. It wasn’t scary, but so weird that I started cackling to myself when I woke up.

I hate to say that was my first thought. How could the flight crew have totally missed this person? Are we saying they all just didn’t notice her? Was it one of those tiny planes that only has one flight attendant?

All of this.

I really think you should be careful because of your age. Birth control increases your blood clot risk over 35. IUD might be a better option for you.

Yes. Hormonal birth control has very well known side effects for some people. Embolism being one of them, of course, being 35 is generally the other factor, but it can happen to anyon. Saying you don’t have “vitality” WTF is that?? Actually, you’re probably just tired, because you work full time, workout everyday, and

People looked at me weird when I said that I at no point ever thought for one second I would wash his clothes. Like, why would I? He never assumed I would either. It’s so weird. Of course, while we split things pretty evenly, I’m still the one who does the household laundry, towels, sheets and the kids clothes. That’s

Your husband sounds lovely. Actually, the fact that he takes care of your parent like that is huge. It really takes a special person to do that for their own parent, let alone an in law. 

Yes. I may be facing a job loss, and I told my husband that we still aren’t getting rid of the cleaning person. I have ZERO time to now do that on top of a job search. Obviously, if push comes to shove, it will go, but i hope i will transition jobs before that. I work full time, commute, have to work after hours and

Well said. Its such an interesting thought experiment. If you pin these people and ask, when is personhood of the female involved become relevant? If a woman and a four year old are trapped in a building, who do you save? I suppose most people would save the child. If a child and an embryo are trapped in a building,

I get it for cosmetic reasons (i’ve only done it twice, and I waited until I was 39...) but no, unless its for migraines, it’s not self care. That’s silly. What gets me is that this girl is only 30. When the 20 somethings get it I think it makes them look so much older. They don’t understand that a thing that makes a

Didn’t read the article, just came here to chime in on the heinousness of that blouse.

My house was built in 1987 and the oven is original. Fortunately it’s black, it’s ugly, but, I just had it repaired. The repair guy said it’s a workhorse that will go on for as long as I want to use it. So not true for things built now.

This is what gets me. How many women in the general population even meet their “criteria?” 

Yep. And honestly, these white men in the statehouses are there because people voted for them. Women voted for them. Certainly it looks interesting when everyone supporting the bill is an old white man, but they wouldn’t bet there to vote the stupid shit into law if they hadn’t won elections. I think a lot of pro

I’ve been an attorney since 2004, I’m in California, and i keep looking for where I can work in this field. Cuz I’m done now. But CA doesn’t really need me. So I throw money at things. But my dream is to win the lotto so I can create the Abortion Underground Railroad. Because that is where we are at. While we fight at

I am too. And we sorta let it happen. We let these fuckers take over the state houses, because we didn’t go vote. Because bottom line, 45 percent of America thinks Roe should be left alone. 25 percent would like to see “some” restrictions. 30 percent want it gone. That’s right, these fuckers on average only represent

Anita nursing bras. They aren’t cheap. I went from a 34 D to a 36 F while nursing. Anita was where it’s at. They make bigger ones than that I believe. 

Is it comfy? I’m a 32 DDD and can’t find bralettes. I don’t want to wear it in public, i just want a little support, and nothing scratchy. I checked that one out and the lace looked not so soft. 

As an almost 40 (next month) mother of a 2 year old and 5 year old, take their looks as a compliment and disappointment at their own old asses. I know i waited a long time to have kids, and it has it’s benefits, but it’s also a bit embarrassing. The other day I’m getting into my car after dropping my 5 year old at