
So true. The difference though is that Real Sex (I never watched Taxi Cab) and Cat House showed real sex, not simulated sex. So, it was different than the Cinemax stuff.

Oh man, didn’t realize people were doing that! I’m fortunate enough to get ASMR. I think its lovely to think that certain life situations can make you feel all relaxed and pleasant. The videos are ridiculous, and for someone who does not get ASMR the entire thing is totally bizarre. For those of us who do get it,

It really depends on what you like. Also, not everyone has it. You would know if you had it, as it usually manifests in childhood. I’d always have the feeling in certain situations and had no idea what it was. I thought I was weird. I discovered the videos in like 2012 and realized I wasn’t alone. Though truthfully,

I think you sum up my feelings very well. I admit, I’m biased as well given his war record. Look, I’m very liberal, and disagreed with much of McCain’s beliefs. But my father was also a Vietnam vet. None of us can even fathom what they went through, other than maybe current soldiers. This man spent 5 years as a POW,

I don’t know what you’re taking obviously, but I was on an anti-depressant and also a sleeping medication and had no issues nursing my kids. It’s the same reason why the pump and dump claims are pretty much bullshit. Even at high levels, very little substances get into breast milk. Your body filters out most of it.

I have to agree. I kept thinking, is it just me or are all these articles about things, as a late 30 something, I have no idea about? I have small kids and I do read them so I will know something about what to expect when they get older and start accessing the internets, but I can’t help wondering what is going on. I

Thank you. I feel so lost. I don’t understand this. I don’t understand the people who follow them or help them make money. I don’t get it.

So. I’m and old I guess. But like, what is this? Who are these people? I guess more importantly, who are the people that watch these people and give them money? I don’t understand.

Of course, it begs the question. His age is kind of irrelevant right? What if he had been 18? There wasn’t a whole lot of difference between 17 and 18 for me. If this young man felt assaulted, he was assaulted right? The focus on his age only absolves her potentially of a statutory rape allegation. If he had been 18

I’m sorry for what you went through. As a parent, I can’t imagine dealing with an illness in my child that seems to have no cause and many causes. No clear treatment plan, and reluctant insurance companies. I’m glad your daughter is doing well. Did you and/or she ever find out if there was some kind of “cause?” I ask

I’m sure you’ve been tested, but if you haven’t, get a celiac disease panel done. I get fear of food. My daughter and I have it. I’m thankful we caught hers so young so that she doesn’t become afraid.

Thanks! This information is very interesting. I fully appreciate that disordered eating of the influential people around us can have a big impact. That has always been what I thought may be the genesis of a lot of ED. But, I always thought that treatment with therapy, but also medication to treat the anxiety that can

Not to put you on the spot, so feel free to blow me off. But, I’m assuming, as a long time sufferer and an intelligent person, you have a good understanding of ED and how/why it manifests in you. You say you’re incurable, and I guess I’m wondering why that is. It seems to me that this disease is one of the most

Because they are just so damn cute. For me, they are cuter than pretty much any other baby animal. I mean, with the attempt at the roar, and the huge paws. They look like giant kittens. Who doesn’t love giant kittens. 

This is pissing me off about Chipotle. I have celiac and they are the only place that mostly has gf ingredients, i’ve been lucky eating there, meaning I have never gotten glutened. So I can avoid gluten but get Ecoli. WOOHOO.

God it’s horrible. The only upside for me is that I wear toric lenses so they’re big. Easier to feel where they are and get them out.

It took me a week. I was hell bent though and just kept at it. 

Also, makeup. I’m so blind that if I’m trying to do my eyes without contacts I can’t see what I’m doing.

So for him to just have Narcan on hand does that indicate he was an abuser? Is it possible to overdose on what is a prescribed does of medication? I’m confused.

So I’m 39 and I distinctly remember when I decided to stop wearing shorts. I believe I was in 9th grade. I remember being so happy that capri pants had come into style. It’s obviously been a thing for a really long time, but I can only imagine what social media would have done to my already fragile self image. I have