
The fruit too? If I could cut out most veggies and just eat fruit I’d be happy. But you know, fruit has sugar so apparently you shouldn’t eat it all the time like I do (my weight loss obsessed friend has cautioned me about eating too much fruit. WTF?) Raspberries are like crack to me. I’d eat 4 cartons a week if I

I live in the 68 degrees and sunny. I hate it. It’s winter for fucks sake! Give me some rain! I love sheep dogs. But, I have a Corgi and I’m not allowed to get a herding dog ever again...

I’ve been thinking about it and wanted to know more how it works. I have 30 pounds of post baby weight to lose. If you don’t mind sharing, how does the app work? I’m the same in that I know what I should be doing, but have a hard time doing that. Do you just input what you’re eating and it tells you to stop? I have a

Including this very story. Changed the name to something other than slender man though.

Fortunately for me my son is only 6 months old. So I have time. And yeah, I’ll be doing all the phone checking. Even now there is the ability to have all a kids texts to show up on a parents phone. I’m sure in 13 years there will be even more ways to keep track.

I will blame parents who don’t teach their sons that this kind of behavior is abhorrent. Yes, we need to instill strength, confidence, and critical thinking abilities in our daughters. We also need to teach our boys to not behave like fucking animals. (I’m not directing my vitriol at you, just this story. makes my

If I ever find out my son has done this to someone, I swear he’ll regret the day he was born. This makes my blood boil. These boys have already figured out how to treat other human beings as objects for their amusement. There are flames shooting out of my face right now.

OMG are you me? Reading these comments makes me realize a few things. 1) getting into a long term relationship or marriage really is about luck I think. So many fantastic people I know are perpetually single and 2) Even in said marriage or relationship, it isn’t easy. I’ve been married 9 years, but together with my

I should use it. Since my habitual use of the word “wino”has gotten me a lot of looks...

Are you my husband....


I’m dying for an expose on this group. Do you think your family would talk to a reporter though? Are they proud of their Trump support?

I thought he was sexy as hell as Kahn. He got beefed up for it, so that helped I think. But the voice really is where its at.

OMG. The picture above also looks like she’s done quite a lot of questionable stuff to her face. Not good.

I can’t tell you how much this enrages me. As the mother of an almost 4 year old, her swimsuits have been one pieces, or swim shirts, so I can cut down on the amount of sunscreen I have to continuously apply. Why the hell do people think baby bikini’s are a good idea?

I still hate Burning Man.

My only guess is that in her world a 6 is high, and so she’s done trying to be thinner... I just quit too.

I loved this movie, and it was so great when she threw that bible!!

OMG I HATE IT.....HATE IT. They must all burn. Also, it’s winter in many places. Aren’t people cold???

I’ve read this book a 1000 times. And yes. Lizzy, though she loves her father, is very clear on his flaws. He married a silly woman he didn’t respect, so his solution is to treat her like crap and ignore the plight of his daughters. When Lydia ends up marrying Wickham he does say he deserves to be held responsible.