
I’ve always been of the opinion that if you have to go the route of skimpy clothing, the food sucks. Haven’t been wrong yet.

I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one. It sort of justifies it. I’m not saying she should go free, but 10 years sounds about right to me

I’m just going to go on record that my drawing contribution when Gabrielle asked us to draw her like one of our french girls was criminally underappreciated.

Yeah, your name is “Limejuicemanifesto”, clearly you are a part of “Big Guac” and everything you say/yo soy is part of some evil capitalist, olagarchic plan.

At least in many places on the west coast you could, in theory, tend your own avocados or get local ones. I used to live in a small city that had avocado trees all over the place.

This. While the complaints regarding Metzger are valid and I’m glad to see he’s facing repercussions for his statements, it is absolutely bullshit that there’s an expectation that people respond to the Internet Mob in real time. Presumably Schumer just fired someone she has (at least in the past) considered a personal

When Dickinson’s poems were first released, the editors took it upon themselves to “correct” both her grammar and punctuation. It was years (decades, actually, 1955) before publishers went back to her original manuscripts to restore them to their proper form. She was a genius. One of the greatest poets ever.

I... would not cut it in a sorority.

From the transcript:

As much as i love and appreciate physicality of modern gymnasts, I think gymnastics used to be prettier, same as figure skating.


Is Waffle House a regional thing? There doesn’t seem to be one in California.

I feel the same way about “shelves of books I haven’t read and never intend to, possibly picked for their color”

Hah no on the every day. Seriously it starts to get sore and it messes with your pH (sperm is basic) and then you get itchy vagina. Plus there is such a thing as too much of a good thing and it makes sex into a chore.

And yet even when I recognize it, I never fail to be astounded by the arrogance it takes for a man to decide his family no longer gets to live.

Yes, to confirm, the girl in the story is 18 months, and therefore not a “baby” so much as a “toddler”. Did not breastfeed the little squirrel that long, but if he wanted a snack in a store at 18 months, he was waiting til we got to a better place for said snack. There’s a HUGE difference between feeding a baby (omg

Instead of replying to each person in turn, maybe these two points can clear things up a bit. If not, well, I tried: