I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?
I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?
“In vain have I struggled, it will not do! My feelings will not be repressed.” *fans self
If you watch the DVD extra about the making of the 1995 “Pride and Prejudice,” it seems that the writers and the costumers and of course the actors were all working overtime to make it as sexy as possible. The head writer talks about the opening scene as representing “thrusting young manhood.” You’ll recall that the…
I do actually understand Matthew MacFayden’s statement about the current look for historical men being a “gym thing” - I honestly like to see a realistically attractive and fit protagonist, especially if I’m supposed to be taking things seriously, and the perfect abs thing is not how very many men are actually going…
I feel the need to state for the record I have a Norwegian Forest Cat, and his name actually is Princess Fluffykins.
I have a cat named Moo. Does that close the loop?
I’ve lived in major cities where I couldn’t get decent medical treatment for my particular problems. It’s a fairly severe problem for those of us with rare disorders.
I need to take this moment to say that Tamara is the only person I have ever seen who is actually a better person after being saved.
Several years and children later...
Please stop interfering in our attempts to be offended on someone else’s behalf. If you keep this up, we’ll have to post something in the comments about how we were just “putting this out there” and you “shouldn’t read anything into” this.
He was more offensive than she will ever be. Terry is a damn good interviewer because she asks questions that a lot of people would like to but aren’t brave enough (or able, because they don’t have access). I’ve been in broadcasting LONGER than she has and would be too polite to ask this question - but listeners can…
My grandmother can leave me wondering sometimes if I was burned, or if my sister was straight up insulted. “Why don’t you wear the other dress? It helped your sister look thin.” It’s like she’s got to get in a twofer.
I lived in a crawspace two separate times in college, and did not have a sex partner during either period. I can now see how those facts contributed greatly to my swift development into normal adulthood.
Probably have, probably will again.
Kid Cudi has a very “who hurt you, boo?” vibe.
That’s pretty shitty. I mean not unforgivably shitty, but shitty. IMO same gender siblings should at least be offered a part in the wedding party if there’s going to be one, period. That’s assuming that said siblings have a reasonably good relationship obviously, and that there’s no fear that including them in the…
My mother is 90 and has a closet full of beautiful clothes which she generally doesn’t wear because “Those are for special days”. I tell her: “At 90, every day is a special day. Dress like a queen. What are you saving them for?”
Compare him to assholes like the Kardashians and the Hiltons who have a lot of money, spend it in the tackiest and most publicly shameless ways, and don’t do anything significant with their high profile positions. If they do ‘volunteer work’ it’s only ever a photo opportunity or a fun glamorous charity ball. William…
I do get the feeling that he really loves that work, and he'd be doing full time if His Duties weren't in the way. I find that very admirable.