70 grand? WTF, bra?
70 grand? WTF, bra?
i know. if i was a famous NFL player i’d not give one fuck. i’d be worse, funnier, more emotional, more big-headed than the worst of them. all we do is criticize anyway. the worst are the tweets from other NFL players directed at Cam saying he should grow up. fuck ‘em.
The dancing drives people insane. For that reason alone he should keep doing it.
The man just got his ass kicked by Denver’s defense in the most important game of his life. I don’t blame him for being a sore loser.
+1 kg*m/s/s
Especially since they stole it from Texas A&M, who have been calling themselves the 12th man for almost 100 years, and actually have it copyrighted. I’d love to see them sue the Seahawks and never hear that garbage from them again.
An Internet petition is the absolute zero of worthlessness. There is nothing worth less than it.
It’s important to weave your identity as a human being into the fabric of your local professional sports franchise such that you cannot tell where you local sports franchise ends and you begin. This leads to a happy and productive life.
Man, on the heels of B.o.B.’s bullshit earlier this week, it’s like everybody has to disagree with Newton.
As an Eagles fan, I thank Seattle fans for making us look reasonable.
You know what really makes Seahawks fans look petulant and stupid? Referring to themselves as ‘12s’. It was nice when you were an up-and-coming team, but now it’s time to shut the fuck up with that.
they had all of recorded human history up until about 2003 to get good at it.
Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?
That was the story of Sunday - Patriot goes for a 2, disaster ensues.
It’s shit like this that makes me wonder how excited I should be about the NFL returning to LA.
That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.
If “gastrointestinal problems” are the only symptoms of E.Coli, Chipotle has given it to me for years now
Shut up.
Possible explanation: He’s concussed.
And his beloved Falcons are losing to the Bucs today too. Rough.