Tito Leibowitz

his evolution from album to album has really been astonishing to witness.

still havent checked out the north borders...yet. gotta get on that


excellent piece.

it’s good to see hot mugshot guy is getting work.

Here’s the thing. Guys (my former-self included), aside from the animals, are convinced that they did not perpetrate sexual assault because they’ve been taught, explicitly and implicitly, that what they’re doing is entirely appropriate within the confines of “courting.” I’ve come to be ashamed of some of the things I

just because your friends and family are dumb doesn’t mean we are.

you and your ilk see argument and think “fight!”, which is fine, i guess.

normal ppl see the word (in this context) and think it means discussing two polar (this doesn’t mean cold) points of view.

Bobby Taylor

i wanna follow her on twittah...

Midway through this thousands of words piece, I wondered about the utility of such a column. I finished it and came to the conclusion that such an exposition is important owed to the fact that this man is a cultural critic to whom many, many people listen.

To show the world he’s been lobbing bags of bullshit from his

hahaha...ok, you ever hear the one about the choad on the internet who can’t take or make a joke?

i’m shocked your arts career didn’t pan out.

...looks like the subtle art of “comedy” was not a branch of your curriculum.

Any dad who tries to play up the whole “Daddy’s little girl” angle is just asking for the girl to start snorting meth and working in porn.

the early abuse my mom received from her father had something to do with how she fell into the codependent relationship she’s always had with my dad.

It’s hard to say without knowing her.

From what I’ve read, there is a common behavior pattern in abusive relationships in which the batterer systematically breaks down the internal and external support systems until the victim feels as though they simply *cannot* leave. And it doesn’t make sense from the outside

just wanted to echo the slew of other commenters by saying this is an excellent piece of writing and reporting.

the women who (at least in some cases) chose cash over justice.

I pushed a girlfriend of mine one time. we were breaking up, and I was being a man and couldn’t really express my emotions because I didn’t know which ones i was feeling at the time. i got overwhelmed and tried to leave because i was having a hard time controlling myself. I’m not violent but I was boiling over. She

i recognize names, and generally really like your comments. I know what you were trying to say with this one, but fuck man, save the “i told you so”s for some less weighty topics.

I said this to someone else, but it is no less true.

I hope you know how strong you are. You have my profound admiration.