either you made your handle just for this post, or that was a truly special memory.
either you made your handle just for this post, or that was a truly special memory.
I have a drawer full of 10 emergency ChapSticks, each of which I was compelled to buy because I forgot to bring the last emergency ChapStick with me.
hahahahaha...i was 50/50 while reading the o.g. sentence. both seem apropos to me.
this is a little much.
I'm down. You can use the tools and shit to build me a chair in which I can sit and read mah stories after I cook you a meal and clean up and then fold some laundry (that I washed).
On the real, #notallmen. In my anecdotal experience, I am cleaner than *all* of the women with whom I lived, platonic and otherwise, not…
I think it's important to note these are two of the *wealthiest* towns in massachusetts.
...i see what you did there.
nm, googling it was simpler than anticipated.
tip o' the cap re: your handle, btw
tree or aerosol?!
jesus...you really invited a buncha butthurt by deluded wanna-be millionaires with an otherwise reasonable comment expressing umbrage with unbridled excess. well done.
...the "at a cost of XXX" bits really rubbed me as well. i teach kids with autism and would have to save every cent of every paycheck for almost 3 months for to take a shit on one of those stupid fuckin' shitswallowers.
i have no idea, but im missing it too.
...a gamey cut, it would seem. I'm not half the man she is.
re: milk — i would imagine that would make shelf life super dicey.
this "filed to" is amongst the best ever...good work.
im guessing it was due to being in the throes of a panic attack for the ages. guy's pits were probably like fuckin sprinklers.
is there a reason specific to my comp that videos aren't playing on kinja media sites? I've tried to watch several videos on gawker and deadspin and they don't load; all that shows up is an anmiated camera on a tripod.
well played, sir.
tip o' the cap sir. best name/avatar combo i've seen in a minute.