
Also I would like to note that despite my circumstances, I have had it said about me - that I do what I say I will do - even if it takes me awhile because of challenges that I did not foresee. People really appreciate that I follow through and diligently keep my word rather than give up with an excuse. My actual

Immediately after I posted my last comment, YOUR point was demonstrated. I have been co-habitating with the “original source” of my conditioning into being afraid to say no, and there is a double standard here. Two people agreed that they would go out to dinner and I was invited and said NO because I knew I could

I politely disagree. Having a difficulty saying NO all my life, I have had times when I realize I am being USED and it is HURTING my real friends and loved ones who are counting on me. Disentangling from a string of future commitments is a must have skill.

Truly helpful. Thank You.

Humor works for me many times, depending on the mood of who I am dealing with, but sometimes I have a hard time not crossing the line into sarcasm.

I had a woman ask for a letter of reference and I was dumbstruck by the request. First of all, she had her sister ask me as I purchased groceries at the check out - her sister was the cashier at the time and had been arrested on several occasions for cocaine related offenses. The woman requesting the letter was

Hmmm. I will attempt to be straight forward and it may cause a bit of ruckus. I googled ways to say no without excuses because I was raised by a sociopath/narcissist and part of the damage is fear of saying no. I have endured and studied and learned, after getting involved with MORE sociopaths/ narcissists (my