A good read. If you have access through a university, I highly suggest it.
A good read. If you have access through a university, I highly suggest it.
The media has nobody to blame but itself here.
Look at how many people are voting for a pussy-grabbing, bigoted bully. Close to half the nation.
Too bad these are anonymous sources. A confirmed source would be helpful, though I imagine they too signed NDAs.
Similar experience with the Implanon (matchstick-sized implant). The change was so marked that I remember sitting in the car 3 weeks after having that sucker injected into my arm and thinking, “Why in the hell am I crying right now? I am sitting here crying. Why?”
Sometimes I wonder what these articles are meant to do. Those who support Trump either don’t give three shits about him making “grab your pussy” remarks, or they praise him for his macho sexist attitude because women are all the c-word anyway.
My roomies and I took bets on how many of these dickless wonders would be pulling that shit. I guessed high and so far, I am not losing.
They are assholes.
Add me to the “fuck off, almond milk” crowd.
I feel the same, only I have to ask if they understand the context here? That Clinton was referring to the utter dregs of society, the racist, homophobic assholes? Or if they just aren’t sure wtf they are getting all hopped up about?
It amazes me the kind of racist crap that people post on FB. In public forums. Where anyone could see. And they’re using their real names and photos. Either they honestly don’t care, or.... they are naive enough to think they are safe.
This thread reminds me. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jezebel do an anti-wet wipes rant.
This thread reminds me. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jezebel do an anti-wet wipes rant.
Is this pressure urticaria? You should check out the Facebook “Chronic Urticaria Support Group.” (As for permission to join.)
Yeah, but her brother in the back, WTF is going on with his mouth? Is it always like that?
Depression sucks. I’m not sure where you are, but weather changes fuck hard with my depression. My mind/body needs a reset.
Yeah, I woudn’t confront him anymore in texts by asking to know what’s up. I think I’d walk away gracefully at this point. “I haven’t heard from you in a while. I enjoyed the time we had, but am feeling this isn’t locking into place. Be well and I hope things work out well for you.”
Chuck Tingle has all the answers.
WTF is wrong with me that I am laughing so hard at this.