
To be fair, Rush is a spittle-spewing blowhard who always sounds like his own neck fat is trying to strangle him and probably can’t walk more than 20 feet without having to sit down and wheeze as his own body tries to take one for the team and crush his heart from the inside. Cruz seems positively dapper by comparison.


It’s what plants crave.

He just released his tax plan and I hear it’s good, but I can’t make heads of tails of it:

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

He has IQ plus intelligence! That’s almost as good as electrolytes!

Rush is right; I do find him “threatening” but not for the reasons he listed. Instead, I find Ted Cruz threatening because I’m nearly certain that he truly, unequivocally believes the things that come out of his mouth, and that kind of shit should be threatening to most people.

Oh yeah, he’s like a lit fuse. You know it’s bad when ragemonster John McCain says you’ve got a hair trigger.

I’m still shocked that he’s managed to pull of mild mannered for so long. Those of us in Ohio know that he’s a nasty piece of work with a hair trigger. He’s bottling up his instincts big time. I can’t watch the video where I am, but I’ll bet it’s characteristic of the mean streak he’s shown as Ohio’s governor.

I’m thinking that, unlike some other candidates, he’s been getting positive enough reactions (even with low polling numbers) that it’s not a career risk to stay in the race. Jeb! was being mocked, Rubio had started to be mocked, but it seems like Kasich has managed to raise his profile while giving himself a moderate,

the only reason kasich has looked even vaguely moderate or reasonable is because he has been standing next to trump and cruz. his supposed mild manner is the foundation for his campaign’s continued existence, and that’s as slender as a toothpick.

FYI, without giving too much info away, I work on international law, and a good chunk of my work has to do with drug policy related issues, especially within the Latin American context. I’m very familiar with these issues. My first hunch was that this is related because of location, the way the father was killed, etc.

I honestly would also guess that mostly based on the location and the fact that the violence in Mexico (which the US is absolutely and utterly complicit in) seems to be so extreme. But I would base that assumption on the violence inflicted, not on the race of the victims. You don’t shoot someone repeatedly, then light

She doesn't just know they were Hispanic. She also knows a family was killed, a man burned, a daughter destroyed beyond recognition. That's a lot more than census data.

Maybe because of how the murders were carried out and not due to race or ethnicity?

Bitch, please. I’m Latin American so I guess you’re accusing me of being racist against myself? I guessed narcos because of the location and circumstances of the father’s murder.

This writer wrote about his experience as a journalist in Mexico. He writes about the atrocities committed by the cartels, but more importantly reminds us that when we buy from these people, we are complicit in the atrocities. Please read this.…

Not when you consider 20% of Texas residents are uninsured and surgery in Mexico can cost a fraction of surgery in the US. I’m a US citizen and I went to Mexico for root canals and lasik surgery (back when lasik was several grand per eye in the states). Saved thousands.

Fucking awful. I’m guessing narcos. Not necessarily because the father was involved, it could be that he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and witnessed something, or that he refused to collaborate with them. I just hope her death was quick and painless but knowing how these animals treat women, I wouldn’t be

I honestly believe that I will never have such a visceral hate filled reaction to any human being like I do Rafael Cruz.